Saturday, March 15

Top 10 Most Dangerous Islands In The World

Top 10 Most Dangerous Island In The World! Wish you could travel this year but don’t have the time or money? We’ve got you. This is no trip to the sunny Caribbean to have a cocktail out of a coconut, though. But it is nice that we can do it in the comfort of our homes. Travel with us as we explore the Top 10 most dangerous islands!

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10. Ramree Island, Myanmar
9. Farallon Island
8. Saba Island
7. Ilha da Queimada, Brazil
6. Bikini and Enewetak Atoll, Marshall Islands
5. Miyake-Jima, Japan
4. Comoros
3. Great Pacific Garbage Patch
2. Clipperton Island
1. North Sentinel Island, Andaman Islands

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