Sunday, February 23

Top 10 Most Iconic Moments in Music History

Top 10 Iconic Moments In Music History! Hey Youtube, Jim here! Welcome to Top10Archive! Music History is so deeply intertwined with human history that I really think neither would exist without the other. Sometimes it really is like what Oscar Wilde said: “Life imitates art” not the other way around. Ready to get nostalgic? Here are the top 10 iconic moments in music history!

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10. Bob Dylan Goes Electric
9. The Beatles go on “The Ed Sullivan Show”
8. The World Met The Moonwalk
7. The Launch of MTV
6. Nirvana’s Unplugged
5. Madonna Performed “Like a Virgin” on the 1984 MTV Awards
4. Elvis does a hip thrust on “The Milton Berle Show”
3. Freddy Mercury Performs at Live Aid
2. Tupac’s Death
1. Jimi Hendrix Lights Guitar on Fire

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