Monday, March 10

Top 10 YouTube Videos You Should Never Watch

Top 10 Youtube Videos You Should Never Watch! I bet I can figure out the reason why you’re here. You know that when you’re told to not do something, you must do it. You’re the person found in the kitchen with their hand in the cookie jar. Well, now that we’re here, just one final warning, these are videos that will scare you, scar you, and possibly leave you unable to blink, much less sleep, for days. Still here? Then welcome, friends! Let’s get started as we step into our list of Top 10 YouTube videos you should never watch!

10. Ice Cream + Camera + Weirdo = This Video
9. Fallen angel or feathered zombie?
8. Cluster Headaches
7. Why Cremations Exist
6. Fueling The Fire of The Satanic Panic
5. A Nightly Routine, only Scary
4. Loose Bricks
3. Demon Hands
2. Paris Catacombs
1. Youtube666

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