Monday, March 24

Transgender student loses lead role in musical over school’s new gender policy

Transgender student loses lead role in musical over school’s new gender policy

A transgender student in Texas who was cast as the lead in his high school’s musical suddenly lost out on the part when the district decided to implement a new policy that “only males can play males.”

Sherman High School senior Max Hightower was elated when he was cast as one of the lead roles in “Oklahoma!” only to have the role abruptly taken away from him days later when the school’s principal called his dad to inform him of a new policy.

“He said we’re instituting a new policy where only males can play males, and only females can play females,” Max’s father, Phillip Hightower, told NBC Dallas-Fort Worth.

Hightower said his 17-year-old son, who was born female but identifies as male, had never been treated differently by the district because of his identity until now.

“I was devastated,” he added.


#texas #shermanhighschool

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