Saturday, March 29

Transgender tennis coach who changed near students in girls’ locker room rehired by school board

Transgender tennis coach who changed near students in girls’ locker room rehired by school board

The Gettysburg Area School District’s board reportedly voted to rehire a transgender tennis coach following a controversy that took place in the girls’ locker room.

“The board of the Gettysburg Area School District voted 6-to-2, with one member absent, to renew tennis coach Sasha Yates’ contract for the fall season,” PennLive reported in early September.

Gettysburg High School principal Jeremy Lusk had reportedly sent a memo to the coach in September 2022, warning, that it is “imperative to maintain professional boundaries” after the coach, a biological male, allegedly engaged in controversial conduct in the girl’s locker room.

“The memo stated that Yates had changed near students in the girls’ locker room, although Yates said she only removed her top in a discreet corner, and that she talked to students about undergarment preferences and menstruation, although Yates said she did not recall asking such questions,” PennLive reported.

The outlet further said, “[Board President Kenneth] Hassinger also indicated that the board had fielded two further complaints that Yates had used a women’s restroom, and had walked through the girls’ locker room on the way to a meeting.”


#tennis #gettysburgareaschool #pennsylvania

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