Thursday, March 13

Trump impeachment: Democrats decry ‘White House-driven and rigged process’ – live

Trump impeachment: Democrats decry ‘White House-driven and rigged process’ – live

Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell’s ‘truncated’ schedule featuring late-night sessions is ‘not what the American people expect or deserve’

Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer is now speaking on the floor, denouncing the press restrictions enforced on Capitol Hill for the impeachment trial.

“Some may not want what happens here to be public,” Schumer said. “We do.”

REPORTERS AREN’T SHEEP: View from the print/radio reporter press pen to the photographer’s pen just off the Senate floor. They’ve severely restricted our access during the impeachment proceedings

Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell said he would move to table any amendments to the impeachment trial resolution focused on obtaining new evidence for Trump’s trial.

McConnell says he will move to table any amendments offered to subpoena witnesses or documents at the front end of the trial.
Schumer will propose just that – his first amendment will be to subpoena documents related to the withholding of Ukraine aide

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