Sunday, March 16

Trump tells Megyn Kelly ‘I don’t know who’ gave Fauci commendation he signed #shorts

Former President Donald Trump pleaded ignorance to journalist Megyn Kelly when asked about his elevation of Dr. Anthony Fauci during the COVID-19 pandemic — insisting he had no idea who was responsible for awarding the doctor a presidential commendation signed by Trump before he departed the White House.

“Not only did you not fire Fauci, who is loathed by many — millions of Republicans in particular, but also some Democrats — you made him a star,” Kelly said during an interview that aired Thursday on SiriusXM.

“This is the criticism of you, that you made him the face of the White House Coronavirus Task Force — he was out at every presser — that he was running herd for the administration on COVID, and that you actually gave him a presidential commendation before you left office. Wouldn’t you like a do-over on that?” she asked.


#trump #megynkelly #fauci

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