Sunday, March 16

Trump vows to appoint special counsel to go after ‘Manchurian Candidate’ Biden: ‘Will pay a price’

Former President Donald Trump vowed to appoint a special counsel to probe the Biden family’s overseas business dealings if he wins a second term in office.

While blasting the mounting legal complications in his path to the presidency one day after his most recent indictment, Trump claimed President Biden and the “Biden crime family will pay a price” for their alleged misdeeds.

“As soon as I am reelected, I will appoint a real special counsel or maybe you’ll call it a special prosecutor … to look at all of these bribes kickbacks, crimes as well as the shameless attempt to cover up,” Trump pledged. “Justice will be done.”

Back in the 2016 election cycle during the second debate, Trump similarly vowed to appoint a “special prosecutor” to examine Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server.

Ultimately, he never pursued that option as president.


#donaldtrump #joebiden #indictment

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