Tuesday, March 4

Two caterers on Denzel Washington’s ‘The Equalizer 3’ set arrested in cocaine bust | New York Post

Two caterers on Denzel Washington’s ‘The Equalizer 3’ set arrested in cocaine bust | New York Post

Italian paramilitary police arrested two caterers working on Denzel Washington’s “The Equalizer 3” action flick after seizing 120 grams of cocaine during a raid on their hotel rooms.

The drug bust took place Tuesday afternoon at a hotel near the town of Maiori on the Amalfi coast. It followed the sudden death of the production’s head of catering.

The Italian newspaper Il Giornale reported that the 55-year-old man collapsed upon exiting a local pub and later died of a heart attack.

Several packets of cocaine were subsequently discovered in his pockets, leading police to suspect that there might be more drugs on the set of “The Equalizer 3” production.

Read more at https://nypost.com/2022/11/03/denzel-washingtons-equalizer-3-caterers-busted-for-drugs/

#denzelwashington #equalizer #cocainebust #crime

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