Monday, March 31

Two dogs have hilarious ‘synchronised scratching’ session

This is the bizarre moment two dogs enjoyed a spot of synchronised scratching by walking back-and-forth together next to a hedgerow.

The stray pooches made a beeline for the bristly bush outside a university in Bangkok, Thailand.

They then walked together alongside the leaves and branches so they would satisfyingly scratch their bodies.

Amusingly, the male and female Aspin pooches – believed to be a couple – were in total unison like a pair of well-trained performers.

They walked along the hedge at the same pace, made a synchronised turn and then walked back together to scratch the other side of their bodies.

The astonishing display of synchronised scratching was captured by passing resident Sichol Pawatnothai.

He said: ‘The dogs kept doing this many times, back and forth. I stopped recording but they carried on. They were enjoying it. I kept watching because it was just so funny.’

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