Monday, March 10

UK coronavirus live: lockdown measures will be in place for ‘significant period’, says Gove

UK coronavirus live: lockdown measures will be in place for ‘significant period’, says Gove

Number of NHS volunteers hits 750,000; Labour MP and doctor Rosena Allin-Khan says Boris Johnson should self-isolate for 14 days

  • Boris Johnson to warn: tougher lockdown may be necessary
  • Michael Gove appears to blame China over lack of UK coronavirus testing
  • First working NHS surgeon dies from coronavirus
  • Coronavirus – latest global updates
  • See all our coronavirus coverage

We may be isolating and avoiding non-essential travel and contact, but the coronavirus lockdown presents a unique opportunity to attract wildlife to your doorstep, here’s how:

During the fine weather of the past week or so, my garden has been alive with the sounds of spring. From my office window I can hear the metallic wheezing of a greenfinch, the metronomic sound of a chiffchaff calling out its name, trilling wrens, repetitive song thrushes, tuneful robins, and just now, a quartet of ravens high in the sky overhead, uttering their deep, croaking call. And this is not just at dawn and dusk – the traditional peak times for birdsong – but all day long.

If you have never tried to attract birds to your garden, it’s easier than you think. Just as we humans need food, drink and accommodation, so do they. So your mission – should you choose to accept it – is to create the avian equivalent of a five-star hotel and restaurant.

Related: How to make the most of the spring wildlife carnival on your doorstep

Earlier, Michael Gove said there would be an opportunity to learn the lessons from the government’s widely criticised approach to the coronavirus pandemic once it is over (see 10.17am).

But an inquiry already appears to be underway within the medical community.

Well, I believe it should have happened sooner but we are where we are and we need it now so nurses are, everyday they are carrying out services to patients, they are giving treatment to patients and they will be last than one metre away so they particularly need to know whether the person they are dealing with, whether they themselves, test positive for coronavirus so that they can take time, the appropriate time off but also protect themselves and their families.

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