Monday, March 31

US teen converts broken treadmill into GIANT belt sander. | Home DIY Projects 2021

This Minnesota woodworker has managed to convert an old treadmill into a gigantic belt sander.

Footage shows 18-year-old Josh Wright taking apart the treadmill after it was going to be thrown out by his parents.

Wright rewires the treadmill for its new specifications then builds a frame for it to be mounted upon.

He then starts working on the sandpaper that he created by mixing sandpaper sand with shellac and applying it to the existing treadmill belt.

When completed, Wright demonstrates the sander in use by sanding down a stool.

One fan of Josh on YouTube commented: “Very Impressive! I love the ‘I’m going to make Sliding Dovetail Joints, which is something I’ve never done before.’

“Note: Many [of] us have never made a Sliding Dovetail…. Josh does his first ones with a 10 degree offset !!! Simply Amazing!!”

Another said: “I have no intention of making this project.

“The photo had me intrigued enough to watch.

“This is a super cool project!

“Your table base is beautiful! I’m glad I tuned in and look forward to seeing how well it works for you and see what else you build.”

Check out joshes channel here:

The footage was captured on January 19.

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