Friday, March 7

Video shows 4 people sought over mass shooting at Morgan State University’s homecoming week

Video shows 4 people sought over mass shooting at Morgan State University’s homecoming week

Newly released surveillance footage shows four people being sought over the mass shooting that left five people wounded during Morgan State University‘s homecoming week.

The four are seen walking across a lawn around the time of Tuesday night’s shooting, with three dressed all in black — including one who appears to have his face covered, according to grainy footage released early Thursday.

The clip then cuts to three of the group — including one in a white T-shirt carrying a backpack — rushing back in the opposite direction.

Cops said the four in the video were being sought because they were seen near the shooting at the historically black college, where photos suggest the gunman may have fired through a window from inside a dorm building.

Officials have yet to say how many people are thought to have opened fire.


#morganstateuniveristy #baltimore #maryland

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