Sunday, March 30

Video shows Russian cruise missile strike popular Kyiv footbridge | New York Post

Video shows Russian cruise missile strike popular Kyiv footbridge | New York Post

Terrifying footage from Kyiv shows an explosion engulfing a popular footbridge in the Ukrainian capital, as dozens of Russian missiles rained down on Ukraine Monday morning.

The security footage from Kyiv’s Glass Bridge shows the shockwave from an apparent missile impact on the ground below shatter the tourist attraction’s glass sides. A ball of smoke and flame rises up to engulf the bridge.

At least one person was on the bridge when it was struck. A woman in civilian clothing can be seen walking towards the middle of the bridge as the missile explodes. She flinches at the explosion before turning and running in the other direction.

The timestamp on the footage indicates the strike happened around 8:18 in the morning Kyiv time.


#kyiv #ukraine #russia

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