Monday, March 10


Cat and corgi puppy become best friends during lock down

Cat and corgi puppy become best friends during lock down

Viral This video shows how a cat and puppy go from mere acquaintances to best friends during the coronavirus quarantine. When Gilbert, a three-year-old ragdoll, was introduced to Lucy, a three-month-old corgi, the two began playing immediately. “Gilbert, grew up roughhousing with a dog,” said their owner Adam Kopley, 34, of Chicago, Illinois. This footage is being managed exclusively by Newsflare. To license this video email or call: +44 (0) 203 937 6280 Subscribe to NewsflareBreaking: Connect with NewsflareBreaking Online: ▶Facebook ▶Twitter ▶Google+ Register now to upload your videos and be notified of paid vi...
Breathtaking moment herd of elephants hold up traffic to cross road in Thailand

Breathtaking moment herd of elephants hold up traffic to cross road in Thailand

Viral This is the breathtaking moment a herd of elephants held up traffic to cross a road in Thailand. The family of more than 50 jumbos emerged from the jungle and stomped across the highway in Chachoengsao province on April 9. Spectacular footage shows how dozens of locals gathered on either side of the road to watch the placid creatures. Several police officers also arrived to ensure the elephants made it safely to the neighbouring area of jungle. Wildlife rangers had been tracking the elephants through the wilderness during the day then quickly blocked off the road to prevent any accidents. The filmer, Pratya Chutipat Sakul, said: ''More than 50 wild elephants crossed the highway. They were moving together from one part of the jungle to the other. ''The wil...
These Kids Have The Funniest Reactions | Funny Kids 2020

These Kids Have The Funniest Reactions | Funny Kids 2020

Viral These kids have the funniest reactions when being caught by their parents getting up to no good or tasting homemade food that is not up to their standard. This footage is being managed exclusively by Newsflare. To license this video email or call: +44 (0) 203 937 6280 Subscribe to NewsflareBreaking: Connect with NewsflareBreaking Online: ▶Facebook ▶Twitter ▶Google+ Register now to upload your videos and be notified of paid video assignments near you. → Visit to find out more.
Best of the Week: April – Week 3

Best of the Week: April – Week 3

Viral It's a backflip! Submit your video here! This is Happening is a look inside the events and experiences that shape our world, as told by you. To be a part of our story, submit your videos at and subscribe to our channel for the latest in what's happening. Connect with TiH: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: TIKTOK: To license any of the videos shown on This is Happening, visit Jukin Media at
Dogs take part in hilarious ‘toilet roll jumping show’ | Dogs vs Toilet Roll

Dogs take part in hilarious ‘toilet roll jumping show’ | Dogs vs Toilet Roll

Viral During the lock-down people have found interesting ways to keep themselves entertained and one of them is watching your doggo jump over huge mounds of toilet roll. Lets the games begin... This footage is being managed exclusively by Newsflare. To license this video email or call: +44 (0) 203 937 6280 Subscribe to NewsflareBreaking: Connect with NewsflareBreaking Online: ▶Facebook ▶Twitter ▶Google+ Register now to upload your videos and be notified of paid video assignments near you. → Visit to find out more.
Corona Gauntlet (Stronger At Home) | This is Happening

Corona Gauntlet (Stronger At Home) | This is Happening

Viral How are you staying active at home? This is Happening is a look inside the events and experiences that shape our world, as told by you. To be a part of our story, submit your videos at and subscribe to our channel for the latest in what's happening. Connect with TiH: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: TIKTOK: To license any of the videos shown on This is Happening, visit Jukin Media at
This baby has the most ADORABLE ‘conversation’ with her dad. | Funny Baby Talking

This baby has the most ADORABLE ‘conversation’ with her dad. | Funny Baby Talking

Viral Adorable moment baby Eryn had a full babbling conversation with her dad. The clip, filmed on February 17 shows the one-year-old standing in her living room chatting to her dad in an adorable inaudible way with her dad replying with encouraging questions like "and then what happened?". This footage is being managed exclusively by Newsflare. To license this video email or call: +44 (0) 203 937 6280 Subscribe to NewsflareBreaking: Connect with NewsflareBreaking Online: ▶Facebook ▶Twitter ▶Google+ Register now to upload your videos and be notified of paid video assignments near you. → Visit to find out...
Jealous Chihuahua stops man from touching his wife | Protective dogs

Jealous Chihuahua stops man from touching his wife | Protective dogs

Viral A jealous Chihuahua growled at her owner every time he tried to touch his wife in Incheon, South Korea, on November 10. Komsan Prachachan was resting in bed while cuddling his four-year-old pet dog, named Paruay, alongside his wife. Every time Komsan tried to touch the arm of his wife, Wan, the female dog growled angrily and went to bite him. The dog appeared to be preventing her owner from giving affection to another woman. Komsan said: "I don't know how I can get close to my wife when Paruay insists on stopping me. She's a very jealous and possessive little dog.'' This footage is being managed exclusively by Newsflare. To license this video email or call: +44 (0) 203 937 6280 Subscribe to NewsflareBreaking: ...
Amazing Rescue For A Turtle Stuck In Fishing Nets In The Maldives

Amazing Rescue For A Turtle Stuck In Fishing Nets In The Maldives

Viral "Sailing to the Baa Atoll in the Maldives with Voyages Maldives, our captain Abdula noticed a struggling turtle. I gathered my mask and fins and jumped in the ocean in a bid to save the turtle. When I got to the turtle, it was wrapped up in a fishing net and so exhausted that it didn't put up a fight when I grabbed it. I brought the turtle back to the boat where the crew managed to cut the tangled net free. Abdula estimated that the turtle had been struggling like this for 4-5 days and the net had cut into its neck. As seen in the video the turtle swam free. It is however very sad imagining how much marine life get caught in ocean pollution and aren't as lucky as this little turtle." This footage is being managed exclusively by Newsflare. To license this vi...
Amazing rescue for a turtle stuck in fishing nets in the Maldives.

Amazing rescue for a turtle stuck in fishing nets in the Maldives.

Viral "Sailing to the Baa Atoll in the Maldives with Voyages Maldives, our captain Abdula noticed a struggling turtle. I gathered my mask and fins and jumped in the ocean in a bid to save the turtle. When I got to the turtle, it was wrapped up in a fishing net and so exhausted that it didn't put up a fight when I grabbed it. I brought the turtle back to the boat where the crew managed to cut the tangled net free. Abdula estimated that the turtle had been struggling like this for 4-5 days and the net had cut into its neck. As seen in the video the turtle swam free. It is however very sad imagining how much marine life get caught in ocean pollution and aren't as lucky as this little turtle." This footage is being managed exclusively by Newsflare. To license this vi...
In Perspective: Advice Nursing During COVID-19

In Perspective: Advice Nursing During COVID-19

Viral Ann is one of the nurses working hard to provide accurate information to the public about COVID19. This is Happening is a look inside the events and experiences that shape our world, as told by you. To be a part of our story, submit your videos at and subscribe to our channel for the latest in what's happening. Connect with TiH: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: TIKTOK: To license any of the videos shown on This is Happening, visit Jukin Media at
UK supermarket struck with insane queues during the Easter weekend.

UK supermarket struck with insane queues during the Easter weekend.

Viral Shoppers at a West Yorkshire supermarket added considerably to their step count today (April 11), as this timelapse reveals a huge one-way trolley lane for customers to enter the shop. Staff at Asda superstore in Killingbeck, set up a one way system in which customers have to follow the zig zag course to do thier shopping. The makeshift course with shopping trolleys has been temporarily set up on part of one of the stores' car parks with the aim of keeping social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic. This footage is being managed exclusively by Newsflare. To license this video email or call: +44 (0) 203 937 6280 Subscribe to NewsflareBreaking: Connect with NewsflareBreaking Online: ▶Facebook https://w...
Quarantine Pet Relationships AF | This is Happening

Quarantine Pet Relationships AF | This is Happening

Viral Happy National Pet Day! This is Happening is a look inside the events and experiences that shape our world, as told by you. To be a part of our story, submit your videos at and subscribe to our channel for the latest in what's happening. Connect with TiH: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: TIKTOK: To license any of the videos shown on This is Happening, visit Jukin Media at
Best Of The Week: Magic Tricks That Make You Say Whhaattt?!?!

Best Of The Week: Magic Tricks That Make You Say Whhaattt?!?!

Viral Submit your videos here: This is Happening is a look inside the events and experiences that shape our world, as told by you. To be a part of our story, submit your videos at and subscribe to our channel for the latest in what's happening. Connect with TiH: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: TIKTOK: To license any of the videos shown on This is Happening, visit Jukin Media at
Siblings Day – Quarantine Twinning it!

Siblings Day – Quarantine Twinning it!

Viral Are you spending time with your siblings today? This is Happening is a look inside the events and experiences that shape our world, as told by you. To be a part of our story, submit your videos at and subscribe to our channel for the latest in what's happening. Connect with TiH: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: TIKTOK: To license any of the videos shown on This is Happening, visit Jukin Media at
Funny & Strange Home Workouts – People Working Out In Lockdown

Funny & Strange Home Workouts – People Working Out In Lockdown

Viral While living in these strange times we are all faced people are doing what they can to keep them selves entertained and fit and healthy. We have put together some funny home workouts that people have been doing to pass the time. This footage is being managed exclusively by Newsflare. To license this video email or call: +44 (0) 203 937 6280 Subscribe to NewsflareBreaking: Connect with NewsflareBreaking Online: ▶Facebook ▶Twitter ▶Google+ Register now to upload your videos and be notified of paid video assignments near you. → Visit to find out more.
Rehabilitated wild monkey gets huge hug from family when released.

Rehabilitated wild monkey gets huge hug from family when released.

Viral This is the touching moment a monkey was given a HUGE hug by its family after it was released back into the wild. The clip, which was filmed in Amanzimtoti, South Africa last October, shows Tracy Rowles releasing a rehabilitated vervet monkey called Pearce. A student at Kingsway High School in Amanzimtoti spotted the young vervet monkey in need of help with a seriously injured leg. The student contacted Umsizi Vervet Rescue Centre, a rescue organisation run by Rowles. A team of volunteers went out as quickly as they could and, after hours of trying, eventually caught Pearce. Pearce’s family members were furious, fearing the team was going to hurt the young monkey. Pearce was taken to the vet and then to the rescue centre to recover. Three weeks later and...
Man finds 12-million-year-old fossil then spends 15 hours to expose crab hidden in stone

Man finds 12-million-year-old fossil then spends 15 hours to expose crab hidden in stone

Viral This timelapse footage shows an amateur palaeontologist uncovering an ancient crab fossil that he says is "12-million-years-old." The fossil, found on beach in Christchurch, is encased in rock and Morne (Mamlambo on YouTube) carefully picks it away revealing the crab's claws and shell. Morne told Newsflare: "I found a fossil crab on a beach in New Zealand and then used an air scribe to remove the rock to show the fossil crab. It took about 10 hours and I made a timelapse of it. "It [the fossil] is dated by the age of the rock it is found in, Miocene era in this case. The rock layers have been dated by some geologists using a variety of techniques, I use that information to date it. It isn't very specific, rather a range. "The species is a Tumidocarcinus Gig...
Best of the Month: The craziest sh*t from March 2020

Best of the Month: The craziest sh*t from March 2020

Viral Submit your COVID videos to be featured here This is Happening is a look inside the events and experiences that shape our world, as told by you. To be a part of our story, submit your videos at and subscribe to our channel for the latest in what's happening. Connect with TiH: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: TIKTOK: To license any of the videos shown on This is Happening, visit Jukin Media at
In Perspective: Girls On Top!

In Perspective: Girls On Top!

Viral Meet Lorena, a world-renowned female Parkour athlete! This is Happening is a look inside the events and experiences that shape our world, as told by you. To be a part of our story, submit your videos at and subscribe to our channel for the latest in what's happening. Connect with TiH: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: TIKTOK: To license any of the videos shown on This is Happening, visit Jukin Media at
Senior section engineer saves passenger fallen from a running train at cuttack station.

Senior section engineer saves passenger fallen from a running train at cuttack station.

Viral This footage is being managed exclusively by Newsflare. To license this video email or call: +44 (0) 203 937 6280 Subscribe to NewsflareBreaking: Connect with NewsflareBreaking Online: ▶Facebook ▶Twitter ▶Google+ Register now to upload your videos and be notified of paid video assignments near you. → Visit to find out more.
Top 10 Scary Moments Caught on Camera | Close Calls

Top 10 Scary Moments Caught on Camera | Close Calls

Viral We have put together another episode (part 6) of scary moments caught on camera. From mother nature dishing out her wrath to sneaky spiders. This footage is being managed exclusively by Newsflare. To license this video email or call: +44 (0) 203 937 6280 Subscribe to NewsflareBreaking: Connect with NewsflareBreaking Online: ▶Facebook ▶Twitter ▶Google+ Register now to upload your videos and be notified of paid video assignments near you. → Visit to find out more.
40 Hilarious Cat Viral Videos | Ultimate Cat Compilation Of 2020 So Far

40 Hilarious Cat Viral Videos | Ultimate Cat Compilation Of 2020 So Far

Viral This hilarious cat viral videos montage shows the ultimate cat compilation for 2020 so far, with amazing clips of felines being their awesome selves. From cats knocking things over to cats being unnecessarily brutal, here are some of the best cat videos of the year so far. This footage is being managed exclusively by Newsflare. To license this video email or call: +44 (0) 203 937 6280 Subscribe to NewsflareBreaking: Connect with NewsflareBreaking Online: ▶Facebook ▶Twitter ▶Google+ Register now to upload your videos and be notified of paid video assignments near you. → Visit to find out...
Best of the Week: New Storefront drive-thru concept…

Best of the Week: New Storefront drive-thru concept…

Viral Submit your video to be featured This is Happening is a look inside the events and experiences that shape our world, as told by you. To be a part of our story, submit your videos at and subscribe to our channel for the latest in what's happening. Connect with TiH: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: TIKTOK: To license any of the videos shown on This is Happening, visit Jukin Media at
Home workouts you can try at home during lock-down | Quarantine workouts without equipment

Home workouts you can try at home during lock-down | Quarantine workouts without equipment

Viral This footage is being managed exclusively by Newsflare. To license this video email or call: +44 (0) 203 937 6280 Subscribe to NewsflareBreaking: Connect with NewsflareBreaking Online: ▶Facebook ▶Twitter ▶Google+ Register now to upload your videos and be notified of paid video assignments near you. → Visit to find out more.
Click Bait Episode 3

Click Bait Episode 3

Viral Coming at you from the quarantine we're checking out the highest viewed videos on the internet today to help you understand the world we live in and save you from isolation! This is Happening is a look inside the events and experiences that shape our world, as told by you. To be a part of our story, submit your videos at and subscribe to our channel for the latest in what's happening. Connect with TiH: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: TIKTOK: To license any of the videos shown on This is Happening, visit Jukin Media at
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