
People You Won’t Believe Exist Until You See Them
People You Won't Believe Exist Until You See Them
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Charlie from Top 10s counts down the #Top10 People You Won't Believe Exist Until You See Them.
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If a Whale Swallowed You, What Would Happen?
Animation is created by Bright Side.
Music by Epidemic Sound
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What If You Got Stuck Alone on a Cruise Ship
Do you like cruise ships? Or, let me paraphrase it, do you like cruise ships so much you'd love to live on one? Nothing is impossible, and one crazy scenario is that while everyone was enjoying their cruise, the ship accidentally entered the 4th dimension with everyone, including the animals on board. But then, why did they leave you behind? Let's find out what it would be like to be left alone on a huge luxurious cruise ship.
Animation is created by Bright Side.
Music by Epidemic Sound
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What If You Dropped a Steel Ball into the Mariana Trench
Covered in darkness and miles underwater, the Mariana Trench is the deepest oceanic trench on Earth. Because of the risky conditions, people aren't able to explore this location without proper equipment. No wonder it's been so difficult to explore! But what would happen if you dropped a steel ball down there? Would the ball be strong enough to sustain the pressure on the bottom?
Animation is created by Bright Side.
Music by Epidemic Sound
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What If Piranhas Swam in Space – 3D Animation
You are an astronaut on a spaceship orbiting the Earth. You get into open space, and suddenly, you notice something quite unusual - there are piranhas floating around you! You try to use small asteroid stones flying by to push off and float away. But it doesn't work out - the spaceship is way too far, and the hungry piranhas are way too close. Will you manage to save yourself?
Animation is created by Bright Side.
Music by Epidemic Sound
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What If You Got Stuck Inside TikTok?
Imagine you've created a simulator that allows you to copy yourself into the apps on your phone to learn faster. You get inside the simulation, and you feel like you're going through a virtual wormhole. You enter a futuristic city glittered with purple and blue lights and tall towers with screens showing TikTok videos non-stop. The tallest tower shows the most trending videos today, while the other towers show other popular videos. Will you get used to living in this new TikTok reality or will you try to find a way out?
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What Happens If You Don’t Blink
Have you ever wondered what would happen to your body if you stopped blinking? Your eyes would probably start to dry out because the tear film wouldn't get restored. And what about talking - is it possible to lose your voice at some point? Can you go without washing yourself, and would there be any consequences worse than just a terrible smell? Let's find answers to these human body what if's together!
Animation is created by Bright Side.
Music by Epidemic Sound
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What If You Woke Up As the Kraken Tomorrow
Some crazy things sometimes happen in this world... so what if you woke up as the giant sea monster Kraken one day? The first thing you feel is some heaviness around your body – as if you're sleeping under a soft but weighted blanket. You open your eyes and... it's weird. You're surrounded by some blue glow. You want to rub your eyes and discover that you have tentacles instead of hands!
Animation is created by Bright Side.
Music by Epidemic Sound
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What If Earth Shifted Away from the Sun
The Earth is neither too close nor too far from the Sun, making the temperature on our planet not just tolerable but rather pleasant. If our planet shifted closer to or farther away from the Sun by a few hundred miles, it wouldn't make a huge difference. But if it was millions of miles, the cold and the lack of rain would not let any plants survive for long, so the areas of icy and barren landscape would grow fast, leaving only the areas along the banks of rivers intact — for a while. After some time, the rivers would stop running too. What else would happen on Earth if it moved within the Solar System?
Animation is created by Bright Side.
Music by Epidemic S...

What Would Happen to Your Body If 1000 Mosquitoes Bite You?
There are about 3,500 species of mosquitoes on Earth. Some of them love the smell of sugar, perfume, or deodorant, and some enjoy the smell of dirty feet. If 10, 20, 50, or up to one hundred mosquitoes bite you, you should be fine, as long as your immune system works at 100%, trying to reduce the damage and drive the enemies away. But what if the number of those insects after you goes up to 1,000 or even 100,000? Is there a way to survive it and be healthy?
Animation is created by Bright Side.
Music by Epidemic Sound
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What If You Got Animal Superpowers?
Some animals are extremely fast, others are super flexible, there’re even those that can grow back parts of their bodies. We all know that animals love to put us humans to shame when it comes to amazing abilities. But what if you had animal powers? How would it change your everyday life? Maybe you would be fast as a cheetah, or as strong as an ant, or maybe you'd have some other amazing talents?
Animation is created by Bright Side.
Music by Epidemic Sound
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What If Anime Characters Were Real People
What would happen if your friend turned into an actual anime character? It would definitely be life-changing with so much extra attention from other people. Would they develop some superpowers, or would they just be in everyone's selfies? The only way to find out would be to go to anime events and try to find others who also look exactly like anime characters. Would it be dangerous or just a fun experience? Let's find out!
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Thumbnail was made with DALL-E usage, OpenAI’s large-scale language-generation model.
Animation is created by Bright Side.
Music by Epidemic Sound
Check our Bright Side podcast on S...

What If the Kraken Swallowed You Whole
Imagine this: you're a captain of a ship, and you were just consumed by the mighty Kraken. You keep tumbling over, not knowing if you're even going in the right direction. The screams get louder and louder. It's only a matter of time before you see someone. Do you think you'll be able to find a way out of this crazy and unusual situation? Is it even possible to escape the Kraken?
Animation is created by Bright Side.
Music by Epidemic Sound
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What Would Happen If You Found a Dragon
What would you do if one day you found an egg that would turn out to be a dragon's? What would you name your new pet? Would you be able to train it? Where would you live with it? All dragon fans must have answers to these questions, but if you don't have them yet, here's your chance to see how this what-if scenario can go. And yes, dragons could be real if you believe it.
Animation is created by Bright Side.
Music by Epidemic Sound
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What If You Were Hit By a Penny Falling from a Skyscraper
There are myths many of us grow up with, so debunking them can be really an unpleasant surprise. Some people claim that when a penny is dropped from a great height, it speeds up, and it can end badly for a person in its way. In reality, because of its size and shape, a penny falling down from a tall building can cause the same damage as a falling leaf. Remember the 5-second rule? Well, even if you picked up that cookie as soon as you dropped it on the floor, eating it is still not safe. There are many other common myths like this one - let's check them all out.
Animation is created by Bright Side.
Music by Epidemic Sound

What Would Happen If a Plane Flew to Space
Buckle up, our plane is about to take off. And, it looks like it went a bit too far, straight into space. If this trip lasts long enough, you'll probably have to get used to the lifestyle astronauts lead on the ISS. You won't be able to take a shower since water will simply form tiny bubbles and float away. If your plane remains in space long enough for your hair to grow out, you'll have to use special scissors equipped with a tiny vacuum cleaner and a container. But how long would you survive on this adventure?
Animation is created by Bright Side.
Music by Epidemic Sound
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What Happens If We Pour ALL Earth’s Water on the Sun
What would happen if we poured all of Earth's oceans on it – or even more water? In around 5 billion years, the life cycle of the Sun will come to an end, and the hydrogen inside it will run out. And then it will start eating all the nearby planets. But what if we speed up the Sun’s life cycle with the help of water? Could it save our star or lead to chaos?
Animation is created by Bright Side.
Music by Epidemic Sound
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What If You Woke Up in a Scary Escape Room
Do you like escape rooms? They can be a fun way to spend some quality time with your friends while solving logical puzzles. But what if an escape room went out of control, and you got stuck in it? Out of nowhere, spikes pop out of the walls and start closing in on you. You only have 1 minute to get out before they crush you. How did you even get here, and will you manage to save yourself?
Animation is created by Bright Side.
Music by Epidemic Sound
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What If You Left Our World for the Metaverse for 1 Year
You’re going through a wormhole of some kind and can’t stop. Suddenly, it’s all black. You wake up after a few seconds in a pixilated world. You’re in some kinda forest surrounded by giant trees and rocks. You look at your hands and see that you’re wearing gauntlets. You enrolled in an experimental program to be in this virtual world for 365 days. Do you think you can survive there?
Animation is created by Bright Side.
Music by Epidemic Sound
Check our Bright Side podcast on Spotify and leave a positive review!
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This is the Most Dangerous Inmate In The World
This is the Most Dangerous Inmate In The World
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Charlie from Top 10s counts down the #Top10 This is the Most Dangerous Inmate In The World.
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Netflix Series-Wednesday Season 2-Coming Soon
Welcome to the second season of the Netflix series Wednesday! This season promises to be even more thrilling and exciting than the first. Wednesday is a psychological thriller that follows the story of a young woman named Wednesday who is struggling to make sense of her life and the strange events that keep happening around her. The series is full of suspense, mystery, and horror, and it will keep you on the edge of your seat. This season will explore Wednesday's past and the secrets that she has been keeping from her family and friends. Get ready for a wild ride as Wednesday unravels the truth about her life and the people around her.
Analyzing the Characters and Storylines of Wednesday Season 2
Wednesday season 2 is here and it's full of exciting new characters and storylines! From the m...

Kid Prodigies | Insane Kid Skills
Every kid has different talents and abilities ???
#Funny #ViralVideos #Fail #TIH #ThisIsHappening
This is Happening is a look inside the events and experiences that shape our world, as told by you. To be a part of our story, submit your videos at and subscribe to our channel for the latest in what's happening.
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Adulting is Hard – Funny Fails
Who still remember the feeling of slamming into the ground when other person jumped off ???
#Funny #ViralVideos #Fail #TIH #ThisIsHappening
This is Happening is a look inside the events and experiences that shape our world, as told by you. To be a part of our story, submit your videos at and subscribe to our channel for the latest in what's happening.
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People Having A Bad Day | Funny Fails Compilation
You can’t have a good day, if you never have a bad day ???
#Funny #ViralVideos #Fail #TIH #ThisIsHappening
This is Happening is a look inside the events and experiences that shape our world, as told by you. To be a part of our story, submit your videos at and subscribe to our channel for the latest in what's happening.
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