Monday, March 10




Viral Second Channel: INSTAGRAM: The Answer to every question You Have EVER ASKED: -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: "5 Biggest YouTubers that DIED! - Most Subscribed Dead YouTubers" ➨ -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-
Top 5 DISTURBING Things Found in the DEEP Web

Top 5 DISTURBING Things Found in the DEEP Web

Viral The Deep Dark web The Creepiest the Internet has to offer Myuuji: Top 5 CREEPIEST & DISTURBING Things Found on the DEEP DARK Web -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: "5 Biggest YouTubers that DIED! - Most Subscribed Dead YouTubers" ➨ -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-
Top 5 Things You Didn’t Know About KSI

Top 5 Things You Didn’t Know About KSI

Viral Unknown Facts / Things you didn't know about YouTube sensation KSolajideBT / KSIolajideBTHD -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: "5 Biggest YouTubers that DIED! - Most Subscribed Dead YouTubers" ➨ -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-
5 Brutal Shocking Bullfighting Accidents

5 Brutal Shocking Bullfighting Accidents

Viral All clips: Number 5: Number 4: Number 3: Number 2: Number 1: -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: "5 Biggest YouTubers that DIED! - Most Subscribed Dead YouTubers" ➨ -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-
Top 5 Real People Who Survived Living Nightmares

Top 5 Real People Who Survived Living Nightmares

Viral Top 5 Real People who Survived Horror Movie Situations From being Stabbed and Raped to Slitting your own neck on stage here is the Top 5 Real People who Survived Horror Movie Situations When Redditor M1nneapolis was a senior in high school, she was getting ready for bed and heard something strange coming from outside her window. Down on the street was one of her neighbors, standing at the fence that divided their yards, yelling something incredibly lewd and innappropriate to a teenage girl up through the open window. He had clearly been watching her, and freaked out about the incident, she didn't tell her parents in the hopes that it just wouldn't happen again. The next morning when she was getting ready for school, she heard the back door of her house open ...
TOP 3 Things You Didn’t Know About Fallout 4

TOP 3 Things You Didn’t Know About Fallout 4

Viral Fallout 4 is due to be released in November. However while fans are looking foward to the release I have studied things you may have missed -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: "5 Biggest YouTubers that DIED! - Most Subscribed Dead YouTubers" ➨ -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-
TOP 3 Most Hated Celebrities of 2015

TOP 3 Most Hated Celebrities of 2015

Viral This List is based on Personal belief and worldwide Thoughts on the following Celebrities Most Hated Celebrities of 2015 including Justin Bieber, Jayden Smith and Kane Larkin -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: "5 Biggest YouTubers that DIED! - Most Subscribed Dead YouTubers" ➨ -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-
TOP 3 Worst Films of 2015

TOP 3 Worst Films of 2015

Viral This list is Based from the IMDb Ratings and Reviews -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: "5 Biggest YouTubers that DIED! - Most Subscribed Dead YouTubers" ➨ -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-
TOP 3 Most Liked Comments on YouTube Ever!

TOP 3 Most Liked Comments on YouTube Ever!

Viral Number 3 - "She forgot to Wipe" - Number 2 - "Still better Than Rebecca Black" - Number 1 - "Interesting" - Thanks for Watching and Enjoy your Day! -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: "5 Biggest YouTubers that DIED! - Most Subscribed Dead YouTubers" ➨ -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-
Italian singer performs from her balcony during self-isolation amid COVID-19 pandemic.

Italian singer performs from her balcony during self-isolation amid COVID-19 pandemic.

Viral Italian singer Stefania Evangelista sings on the balcony, and her team films it to calm the people and not give in to panic. Italians arrange concerts at home during the quarantine This footage is being managed exclusively by Newsflare. To license this video email or call: +44 (0) 203 937 6280 Subscribe to NewsflareBreaking: Connect with NewsflareBreaking Online: ▶Facebook ▶Twitter ▶Google+ Register now to upload your videos and be notified of paid video assignments near you. → Visit to find out more.
Australian science teacher demonstrates one way of making hand sanitiser at home

Australian science teacher demonstrates one way of making hand sanitiser at home

Viral With a shortage of toilet paper and hand sanitiser as panic buying depletes supermarket shelves, Australian science teacher and YouTuber, Jacob Strickling, makes his own alcoholic hand sanitiser to help keep hands clean during the coronavirus outbreak. Strickling firstly peels the green skin off some aloe vera plants, leaving behind the inner clear, colourless gel which is then blended up in a kitchen blender. Methylated spirits which is 95 per cent ethanol is then added so that the final mixture has an alcohol content greater than 60 per cent which is necessary to break down the envelope protein wall of the virus destroying it. Although it might be fun to try making your own hand sanitiser, purchasing a professionally made product will probably be a safer w...
Secrets Your Body Language Reveals To Others

Secrets Your Body Language Reveals To Others

Viral Our bodies are dead giveaways of our true thoughts and feelings. Here are some secrets your body language reveals about you. Suggest a topic here to be turned into a video: Subscribe for more! ► ◄ Stay updated ► ◄ For copyright queries or general inquiries please get in touch: Legal Stuff. Unless otherwise created by BeAmazed, licenses have been obtained for images/footage in the video from the following sources:
Mum shows kid why washing hands stops the spread of germs during coronavirus pandemic.

Mum shows kid why washing hands stops the spread of germs during coronavirus pandemic.

Viral 2 year old Jessie shows how germs stick to your skin but when soap is applied they run away!! A fun way to show your kids the importance of hand washing. Especially now with the virus! This footage is being managed exclusively by Newsflare. To license this video email or call: +44 (0) 203 937 6280 Subscribe to NewsflareBreaking: Connect with NewsflareBreaking Online: ▶Facebook ▶Twitter ▶Google+ Register now to upload your videos and be notified of paid video assignments near you. → Visit to find out more.
Dog owner climbs in drain to rescue his lost pet

Dog owner climbs in drain to rescue his lost pet

Viral A determined dog owner had to climb inside a drain to rescue his lost pet. Suchart Plodtuk, 50, was worried when the elderly white poodle named Sun disappeared from his home in Chonburi, eastern Thailand on Wednesday (11/03) morning. The dog lover heard the 14-year-old mutt whimpering for help and discovered he had fallen into a drain in the family's back yard. Suchart reached inside but could not touch his pet. He then placed a van over the shaft to help keep the poodle cool and stop it being suffocated in the tight space. Rescue workers arrived and had to cut away a metal grate to reach a larger sewer. They then climbed inside and beckoned the dog over to them. The scared pooch was finally lifted to safety and given a bown of water after its ordeal. The...
Best of the Week: How lucky is this basketball player?

Best of the Week: How lucky is this basketball player?

Viral How many times have you squeaked by? This is Happening is a look inside the events and experiences that shape our world, as told by you. To be a part of our story, submit your videos at and subscribe to our channel for the latest in what's happening. Connect with TiH: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: TIKTOK: To license any of the videos shown on This is Happening, visit Jukin Media at


Viral Did you know the #NOMAKEUPSELFIE challenge wasn't originally about female equality, at all? SUBSCRIBE for awesome videos every day!: Submit your video here: LIKE us on FACEBOOK: FOLLOW us on TWITTER: Short vids on INSTAGRAM: Shorter vids on VINE: This is Happening is the leading viral video community channel dedicated to showcasing the hottest UGC videos from across the web. We love videos and find the best ones to share with you here, from fail videos to ice bucket challenges, and soccer tricks to a baby reacting to Katy Perry's Dark Horse. The TiH team scours the web 24/7 to find th...
Swarm of starving wild monkeys fight over food during coronavirus outbreak.

Swarm of starving wild monkeys fight over food during coronavirus outbreak.

Viral This is the astonishing moment hundreds of starving wild monkeys scramble for a single piece of food because of the coronavirus outbreak. The primates are normally well fed by tourists in the city of Lopburi, central Thailand, but visitors have plummeted because of the virus sweeping the world. So when one of the primates had a juicy banana, the entire pack roaming around the streets surrounded the creature this morning (March 11) and tried to grab it. Footage shows how hundreds of monkeys began tussling for the snack. When one of the animals fled with it, the creatures chased it up a grass bank. Even locals who are used to seeing the creatures were shocked by their ferocity. Onlooker Sasaluk Rattanachai captured the scene from outside a shop where she wor...
Man reveals life-changing hair hack for tying long beards

Man reveals life-changing hair hack for tying long beards

Viral Canadian man reveals this genius hair hack that long-bearded men need to know! 46-year-old Wayne Bailey boasts a whopping 23-inch beard and in this tutorial, he shares a quick and easy way to avoid shaving by tucking the beard into itself to appear shorter. Wayne said: "I was very surprised to see such an abundance of positive feedback. "Trying to tie up my beard like that came from a lot of trial and error... I was trying to tie it up at night so I don't pull it by laying on it while I'm sleeping. "After doing it a similar way for a couple of weeks, I figured out a better way! Then I just wanted to share my discovery with the world." Wayne recorded his tutorial in February 2018. This footage is being managed exclusively by Newsflare. To license this vide...
Vets pull HUGE beach towel out from a python’s mouth

Vets pull HUGE beach towel out from a python’s mouth

Viral A python was taken to the vets after swallowing an entire BEACH TOWEL. The 18-year-old female Jungle Carpet Python named Monty was looking for a late-night snack when she devoured the item in her owner's home in Sydney, Australia. Monty's worried family caught her swallowing the towel and took her to the Small Animal Specialist Hospital (SASH) on February 24. Incredible footage shows how vets performed a ''life-saving procedure'' by pulling the towel from Monty's mouth. Dr Olivia Clarke said it was the first time they had ever received a snake that had swallowed a towel. The hospital said that Monty, who weighs five kilograms and is three meters long, had to have radiographs to confirm the cloth's location within the serpent, who was then anaesthetised for...
Scary Moments Caught On Camera Compilation [Part 5]

Scary Moments Caught On Camera Compilation [Part 5]

Viral We have put together from the Newsflare archive scary moments caught on camera. You certainly don't want to catch your selves in any of these situations! This footage is being managed exclusively by Newsflare. To license this video email or call: +44 (0) 203 937 6280 Subscribe to NewsflareBreaking: Connect with NewsflareBreaking Online: ▶Facebook ▶Twitter ▶Google+ Register now to upload your videos and be notified of paid video assignments near you. → Visit to find out more.
Best of the Week: Animals are the Ultimate Pranksters

Best of the Week: Animals are the Ultimate Pranksters

Viral How do you think this couple's gonna handle this giraffe? SUBSCRIBE for awesome videos every day!: Submit your video here: LIKE us on FACEBOOK: FOLLOW us on TWITTER: Short vids on INSTAGRAM: Shorter vids on VINE: This is Happening is the leading viral video community channel dedicated to showcasing the hottest UGC videos from across the web. We love videos and find the best ones to share with you here, from fail videos to ice bucket challenges, and soccer tricks to a baby reacting to Katy Perry's Dark Horse. The TiH team scours the web 24/7 to find the latest trends and hottest video...
Living With Corona Virus | What Are The Symptoms?

Living With Corona Virus | What Are The Symptoms?

Viral The first confirmed British coronavirus victim describes what suffering from the infection is really like after he caught the virus last November in Wuhan, China This footage is being managed exclusively by Newsflare. To license this video email or call: +44 (0) 203 937 6280 Subscribe to NewsflareBreaking: Connect with NewsflareBreaking Online: ▶Facebook ▶Twitter ▶Google+ Register now to upload your videos and be notified of paid video assignments near you. → Visit to find out more.
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