Monday, March 10


If You See This, Run Fast and Ask for Help!

If You See This, Run Fast and Ask for Help!

Viral If You See This, Run Fast and Ask for Help! ► Subscribe: For copyright matters please contact us at: Nature can be a beautiful, life-giving resource or it can be a cruel force of change. Without that pressure to evolve, humanity would never have reached the heights we enjoy today. But as much as we owe our existence to the wilds of this wonderful planet, there's no denying that there are certain parts of the natural world, namely certain animals that have us shaking our heads, going: wow nature, is scary. From disease-carrying arachnids to a fish with lethal levels of toxicity, here are 10 animals to run away from. #animals #creatures #dangerous #insects
What’s At The End Of The Universe?

What’s At The End Of The Universe?

Viral What's At The End Of The Universe? ► Subscribe: If you’ve ever wondered, ‘What’s at the end of the universe?’ You’re not alone. Great physicists, such as the late Stephen Hawking and many other theoretical scientists, have been pondering this question for decades. However, the answer to that question is not so simple. We have some ideas of what might be past the so-called ‘end of the universe’, that boundary which everything in the observable universe slips past, never to be seen again. In fact, even our own galaxy and the billions of galaxies we can see are traveling towards this edge of the universe, and recently it was found that the universe is accelerating… pulled on by some unseen and mysterious force. #universe #space #whatif #...
BEST OF THE WEEK || Who’s A Good Boy?

BEST OF THE WEEK || Who’s A Good Boy?

Viral Welcome back fam! We are coming at you with a hot new fresh episode of Best Of The Week. This week we got you the most adorable reunion between homies, a magician who needs a little more practice, and some incredible soccer moves. So buckle up because here comes the Best Of The Week! Enjoy!! Original Links: SUBSCRIBE for awesome videos every day!: Submit your video here: LIKE us on FACEBOOK: FOLLOW us on TWITTER: Short vids on INSTAGRAM: Shorter vids on VINE: JukinVideo is the leading viral video community channel dedicated to showcasing the hottest UGC videos from across the web. W...
11 awesome technologies Inspired by animals ✈️?

11 awesome technologies Inspired by animals ✈️?

Viral There are a lot of great inventions that make our life easier, more comfortable and more interesting. The new ones appear almost every day. We often think that these inventions are the result of some unusual ideas of people. But it is not always completely true. Some of these ideas come from the special evolutionary mechanisms that animals have. Here in our list we gonna tell you about the coolest inventions that we took from animal world.
Marina And The Diamonds – Lies (Zeds Dead Remix)

Marina And The Diamonds – Lies (Zeds Dead Remix)

Viral Download the Original: Something a little heavier for the channel. A melodic dubstep remix from Zeds Dead Marina & The Diamonds Picture Facebooobs
10 Most Insane People You Won’t Believe Actually Exist

10 Most Insane People You Won’t Believe Actually Exist

Viral 10 Most Insane People You Won't Believe Actually Exist ► Subscribe: For copyright matters please contact us at: Just because somebody is born different, it doesn’t mean they can’t be as determined as anyone else. Some people overcome such amazing odds to live a full life, that they are quite simply unbelievable. When they’re born, it looks like they will really struggle through life. Yet instead of limiting them, this quality provides them with the inspiration to succeed. Here are 10 stories of truly unbelievable people… #people #unbelievable #human #interesting
Truck Yeah!! || JukinVideo

Truck Yeah!! || JukinVideo

Viral The smell of diesel is in the air. We are breaking out the big boy toys today folks. This video is for the people that a sedan or coupe just won't cut. we got all the best truck clips in our library, we got trucks flying, we got trucks swimming, and we got many other poor decisions made with trucks. So throw it in 4 wheel drive and enjoy Truck Yeah!! SUBSCRIBE for awesome videos every day!: Submit your video here: LIKE us on FACEBOOK: FOLLOW us on TWITTER: Short vids on INSTAGRAM: Shorter vids on VINE: JukinVideo is the leading viral video community channel dedicated to showcasing t...
TENDER – Belong

TENDER – Belong

Viral SAD - Indie / Folk / Alternative Facebook: Instagram: SoundCloud: From the EP "Armour". Released by ℗ TENDER ✕ Follow TENDER: ✕ Picture © Tom Dulou — Subscribe:
How To Build a Motorized Go Kart at Home

How To Build a Motorized Go Kart at Home

Viral Build a Motorized Go Kart at Home Skinny Leonard by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Artist: Whatdafunk by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Artist:
JukinVideo Vault || Slackers

JukinVideo Vault || Slackers

Viral It's time for these slackers to get a job. You can't spend everyday slacklining, wakeboarding, and parkouring. They need to settle down, get a hair cut, and learn a trade. Geez I sound like my parents. Forget that have fun, live life, and be happy. Everything else will figure itself out. Enjoy! Original Links: SUBSCRIBE for awesome videos every day!: Submit your video here: LIKE us on FACEBOOK: FOLLOW us on TWITTER: Short vids on INSTAGRAM: Shorter vids on VINE: JukinVideo is the leading viral video community channel dedicated to showcasing the hottest UGC videos from across the web....
This Is The City Where Only Millionaires Live

This Is The City Where Only Millionaires Live

Viral This Is The City Where Only Millionaires Live ► Subscribe: For copyright matters please contact us at: According to reports, global wealth has increased by almost 60 percent over the past decade. A new breed of wealthy people, those with 30 million dollars or more in assets, are known as “Ultra High Net Worth Individuals” or UHNWI’s. So, where and how do these people live? The answer? Wherever they want! But as it turns out, they generally like the same cities, no matter what their background. Let’s take a look at ten of the richest cities in the world. #city #cities #millionaires #rich #richest
This Is What Could Happen On Earth October 3, 2019

This Is What Could Happen On Earth October 3, 2019

Viral This Is What Could Happen On Earth October 3, 2019 ► Subscribe: You hear about it almost every day in the news or see something online. There is always some story about an asteroid that is headed towards Earth and is set to wipe out human existence. However most of the time these are just articles to grab your attention, and when you finally get to the part about how far away it is it turns out to be something in the hundreds of thousands of miles and in most cases. Even millions and millions of miles away from us with no chance of smacking into the planet.  #earth #asteroid #meteorite #space #cataclysm
Donnie Yen — The Truth Biography (Then and Now)

Donnie Yen — The Truth Biography (Then and Now)

Viral Donnie Yen — The Truth Biography (Then and Now) ░▒▓█ If you're new, Subscribe! ► █▓▒░ If you are not afraid of drunk Shaolin masters, if you are not afraid of fire cheetahs and strange couples, if you are delighted even from the spin-offs of "Highlander" and "Star wars", then you have come to the right place, because the glorious Yip Man has been waiting! We hope you have subscribed to our channel, because we will not limit ourselves to one video, but for now please sit back and hold your breath – we are starting! Our today's hero came to cinematography accidentally, when he was only twenty years old. Today he is 56, and he has more than 70 cinema and television projects, where he was not only an actor, but also a choreographer, as well a...
Top 10 CRAZIEST Car Mods You Won’t Believe Exist

Top 10 CRAZIEST Car Mods You Won’t Believe Exist

Viral Top 10 CRAZIEST Car Mods & Styles ► Subscribe: For copyright matters please contact us at: There are a ton of custom cars out there and when it comes to modifying cars, only the wallet and the imagination set the limits. Not everyone can afford a supercar, so why not build it? In this video, we’ll show you some really cool custom rides and even some you could build yourself! So sit back and enjoy as we show you 10 of the best custom cars. #cars #car #tuning #vehicles #customcars #tuned #engines
BEST OF THE WEEK – 10 Minutes

BEST OF THE WEEK – 10 Minutes

Viral Hello again our dear friends. The people have spoken and we have listened, the intro music is turned down. Thanks for helping us improve. This is another banger yo. We got jacked up lumberjacks, kittens going at it in the squared circle, and a lunch date with some penguins. So without further ado we give you the Best Of The Week. Enjoy!! Original Links: SUBSCRIBE for awesome videos every day!: Submit your video here: LIKE us on FACEBOOK: FOLLOW us on TWITTER: Short vids on INSTAGRAM: Shorter vids on VINE: JukinVideo is the leading viral video community channel dedicated to showcasing...
Scientists Couldn’t Believe Their Eyes When They Found This…

Scientists Couldn’t Believe Their Eyes When They Found This…

Viral Scientists Couldn't Believe Their Eyes When They Found This... ► Subscribe: For copyright matters please contact us at: Technology has enabled scientists, researchers, and observers to see things that we’ve never seen before. With aerial views, high-resolution photography, and the ability to photograph long distances into space, we are discovering more and more inexplicable and curious things. Let’s take a look at ten of the most mysterious things we’ve found that have been caught on camera. #mystery #mysterious #science #scientists
License Revoked || JukinVideo

License Revoked || JukinVideo

Viral Driving is a privilege not a right. Well these people don't even deserve the privilege of driving. We searched our entire library to find our worst drivers. We got people who can't park, people who are way too into the fast and the furious, and just straight up bad drivers. So throw it in park and check all the licenses that should be revoked. Enjoy! Original Links: SUBSCRIBE for awesome videos every day!: Submit your video here: LIKE us on FACEBOOK: FOLLOW us on TWITTER: Short vids on INSTAGRAM: Shorter vids on VINE: JukinVideo is the leading viral video community channel dedicated ...
10 Best Military Off-Road Vehicles Of All Time

10 Best Military Off-Road Vehicles Of All Time

Viral Any car fanatic has toyed with the prospect of owning a military vehicle. They're unique and are engineered for the battlefield. Some people aren't even aware you can buy a military vehicle and sometimes for less than $10,000 if you know where to get them. You should be aware of all the rules and regulations before you buy any military vehicle. Here are 10 military vehicles you can actually own. Whatdafunk by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Artist:
Back To School || JukinVideo Vault

Back To School || JukinVideo Vault

Viral Parents are free again! Tis the season to send the kiddos back to school and return the home to peace and quiet. This week in the vault we got all the school supplies you need. We have students being students videos, a walk through your normal school day, from waking up to doing home work, and then we honor the teachers. So once that bus is out of sight sit down and enjoy Back To School. Original Links: SUBSCRIBE for awesome videos every day!: Submit your video here: LIKE us on FACEBOOK: FOLLOW us on TWITTER: Short vids on INSTAGRAM: Shorter vids on VINE: JukinVideo is the leading v...
Jaymes Young – Infinity [Official Audio]

Jaymes Young – Infinity [Official Audio]

Viral Debut album "Feel Something" available now! Download on iTunes: Add to your Spotify playlist: Download/Stream: Follow Jaymes Young: Spotify: Website: Twitter: Instagram: SoundCloud: Facebook: Subscribe for more official content from Jaymes Young: The official YouTube channel of Atlantic Records artist Jaymes Young. Subscribe for the latest music videos, performances, and more. #JaymesYoung #Infinity
10 Families You Won’t Believe Actually Exist!

10 Families You Won’t Believe Actually Exist!

Viral 10 Families You Won't Believe Actually Exist! ► Subscribe: For copyright matters please contact us at: Family is the most important thing in the world. That doesn’t stop us from getting a little sick of our own families from time to time. It gets weird out there, really weird! From the family that eats like bears to the family that actually lives with one, we’ve compiled a list of the 10 strangest real life families you’re ever going to see. It’s a surefire way to make yourself feel better. #families #family #parents #photos
What If We Sent All Our Garbage Into Space?

What If We Sent All Our Garbage Into Space?

Viral What If We Sent All Our Garbage Into Space? ► Subscribe: We, humans, like to keep our garbage out of sight and out of mind, but it’s time to talk about all the trash. Specifically, where does all of it go? According to the EPA, we throw out 2.6 Trillion pounds of garbage worldwide. America alone produces 250 million tons’ worth of it with each person tossing out an average of 1000 pounds of compostable garbage annually. Much of that waste will go to landfills where it degrades back into the soil, but what about stuff like plastic and toxic waste? It can take a plastic water bottle over 400 years to fully break down, but what if there was a simple solution to our complicated problem? What if we sent all our trash into space? #space #dest...
Jean Claude Van Damme – The Truth Biography (Then and Now)

Jean Claude Van Damme – The Truth Biography (Then and Now)

Viral Jean Claude Van Damme - The Truth Biography (Then and Now) ░▒▓█ If you're new, Subscribe! ► █▓▒░ He is known as an actor, director, screenwriter, musician, choreographer and sex symbol. He is a friend of President Vladimir Putin and his friend Ramzan Kadyrov. He dances beautifully and is crazy about Beethoven, who is not a dog but German composer. He is one of the few living people awarded the monument during his lifetime. He fought on the screen countless times, but remembered not for his fights, but for his bright dance – do you remember "Kickboxer"? Regardless of your answer, let us introduce "The Muscles from Brussels" as they call inimitable and unfading Jean-Claude Van Damme! A staid Catholic 59 years old (he was born on October 18, ...
Best Of Video Games

Best Of Video Games

Viral Video games, everyones favorite past time. From beating levels to rage quits we love all aspects of video games. We decided to go through our library and find all the best video game clips we have. So hit pause for a minute and enjoy the best of video games Original Links: SUBSCRIBE for awesome videos every day!: Submit your video here: LIKE us on FACEBOOK: FOLLOW us on TWITTER: Short vids on INSTAGRAM: Shorter vids on VINE: JukinVideo is the leading viral video community channel dedicated to showcasing the hottest UGC videos from across the web. We love videos and find the best ones...
You Won’t Believe These Police Vehicles Exist!!

You Won’t Believe These Police Vehicles Exist!!

Viral This Is Why You Don't Want To Mess With Dubai Police! ► Subscribe: For copyright matters please contact us at: Many people are aware of the ordinary police vehicles patrolling the streets. Some are just average cars with a few minor modifications and there really isn’t anything cool about them. But sometimes, even law enforcement needs something special to get the job done whether it's a blazing fast pursuit car or something to stop a heavy rioting force. If you’re curious what else law enforcement has in their garages, then sit back, relax, and check out these Top 10 Police Vehicles. #police #vehicles #vehicle #car
Making a Knife from an Old Saw Blade

Making a Knife from an Old Saw Blade

Viral Making a Knife from an Old Saw Blade, how to make a knife that looks like a hunting. Making a knife that looks hunting. Its more involved then you might think? This is beginner knife making on a budget. Most of my knife making tools anybody has access to. I don't have fancy knife grinders or anything like that. Thank you for watching!
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