Monday, March 10


Top Secrets Accidentally Leaked Online

Top Secrets Accidentally Leaked Online

Viral So much of our information is kept online and secretly leaked. Here are the top 20 secrets that were accidentally leaked online. Subscribe for more! ► ◄ Stay updated ► ◄ For copyright queries or general inquiries please get in touch: Legal Stuff. Unless otherwise created by BeAmazed, licenses have been obtained for images/footage in the video from the following sources:


Viral 10 FASTEST MILITARY VEHICLES OF ALL TIME These cars aren’t just fun, they’re the greatest military power in the world and the fastest production military cars on the planet. Have a glance at the most technologically advanced vehicles that make humanity proud! Enjoy, and don't forget to follow! at the time
Best of the Week | Sorry For The Music

Best of the Week | Sorry For The Music

Viral They're here!!!!! The very best videos of the week! From a heroic kitty to a thrilling jet ski pool stunt, we have it all in Jukin Video's Best of the Week compilation! SUBSCRIBE for awesome videos every day!: Submit your video here: LIKE us on FACEBOOK: FOLLOW us on TWITTER: Short vids on INSTAGRAM: Shorter vids on VINE: JukinVideo is the leading viral video community channel dedicated to showcasing the hottest UGC videos from across the web. We love videos and find the best ones to share with you here, from fail videos to ice bucket challenges, and soccer tricks to a baby reacting to...


Viral 10 MOST POWERFUL DOG BREEDS IN THE WORLD ► Subscribe: For copyright matters please contact us at: There are many breeds of dogs in the world and they all have their own special traits. Most dogs are bred for a particular task as well as being man’s best friend. You’ve got the smallest, the biggest, and the smartest dogs. But which dogs are the most powerful in terms of strength? We put together 10 of the most powerful dogs, and surprisingly, one of these ended up also being one of the most destructive… #dog #dogs #breed


Viral 10 MOST INSANE LIMOUSINES OF ALL TIME ► Subscribe: For copyright matters please contact us at: Limousines have always been associated with wealth, luxury, and success. Politicians, famous people, or executives are usually the lucky ones who get chauffeured in a limo. But the normal fancy and classy limousine designs might not be enough for some people. In fact, some of these designs are so downright crazy that it’s impossible not to attract the maximum amount of attention. How about a jet airliner limo… or something extreme made by Harley Davidson? Forget those normal and boring looking high luxury machines, because you’ve never seen limousines’ like this before! #limousine #limousines #cars


Viral 10 BIGGEST SHIPS IN THE WORLD ► Subscribe: For copyright matters please contact us at: Some of the largest ships in the world are so giant that you can’t even grasp how big really are. Cruise ships, tankers, aircraft carriers… they’re so massive that they are comparable to the world’s tallest buildings if they were on their sides, such as the Empire State Building, the Sears Tower, the Burj Khalifa, and the Petronas Towers. Many people think the Titanic was one of the biggest ships in history, but despite its name, the Titanic is tiny compared to today’s largest ships. Let’s take a look at ten of the most insane largest boats in the world today. #ship #boat #biggest
What If The Sun Went Out for Just One Day

What If The Sun Went Out for Just One Day

Viral Have you ever wondered what would happen if the Sun just suddenly stopped shining? The first thing that probably comes to your mind is that it would get a whole lot darker and colder. True, but that doesn’t even begin to describe what kind of catastrophic event it would be because eventually humankind would meet its eminent demise. In the first few minutes after the Sun stops burning, life goes on as usual here on Earth because the sunlight itself is still traveling towards the planet. But after 8½ minutes, the skies go black, as if someone just flipped a switch. After an hour, once everybody has realized the situation they’re in, panic ensues on the side of the planet where it's supposed to be daytime. The temperature across the globe drops by several degrees ...
What If You Stopped Sleeping for a Week?

What If You Stopped Sleeping for a Week?

Viral People spend almost half of their lives sleeping, and still seem to never get enough of it. Have you ever thought what would happen if you stopped "wasting time" on this process? You would surely have a lot of free time for learning something new, doing sports, working, or just hanging out with friends. Sounds cool? But let's have a look at the consequences of never sleeping again. After one day without sleep, you’ll feel better than ever. The reason for these strange feelings lies in the fact that your brain increases dopamine levels trying to compensate your lack of sleep. However, closer to the end of the day, this happy mood is evaporating. It's strictly "not recommended" to drive in such a state, as it may turn extremely dangerous when you're sleep de...
I Drank a Glass of Wine Every Day, See What Happened to Me

I Drank a Glass of Wine Every Day, See What Happened to Me

Viral Studies have shown that drinking a glass of wine every day is incredibly beneficial for your system: it removes toxins from your body and improves your brain function. We decided to find out whether these statements are true by having one glass of wine a day for a whole month. The experiment started out great: I felt super sophisticated having my evening wine in front of the TV. But on Day 3, the alcohol started messing with my sleep cycle. I started craving water during these little bedtime disruptions. In fact, this crazy nighttime thirst became so frequent that I would keep a glass of water on my night stand. One of the best things that happened during the experiment was a change in how I “partied” with my friends. I would invite people over for a glass of ...
What If You Stopped Drinking Water for 7 Days?

What If You Stopped Drinking Water for 7 Days?

Viral An average person drinks about 264 gallons of water a year. People take this liquid for granted and perhaps never think what would happen if they stopped drinking it. Well, let's see what dire consequences this action would have. "Water" includes other liquids such as soda, juices, tea, and old plain soup. However, these options are perceived by your body mostly like food. If the level of water in your body drops by 1 percent, your survival instinct will kick in, and you will start to feel thirsty. As water is supposed to lubricate your joints and the areas between the bones, its lack will make your whole body hurt as your bones will grind against each other. The condition of your skin will get much worse. Your brain will start to shrink. At first, this will b...
What If Everyone Became Vegan On Earth?

What If Everyone Became Vegan On Earth?

Viral We all know someone who is plant-based and never eats meat products because they are vegan. There are different reasons why people choose to go vegan, perhaps for their own personal health, for the sake of the environment, or to stop animal suffering. But let’s imagine what would happen if everybody on the planet suddenly decided to become vegan? Even if some farm animals, say, sheep or pigs, can somehow adapt to life in the wild, it won’t likely be the same case for others like chickens, for instance, because they’re simply too domesticated and unfit for life off the farm. And just because they’re free to roam where they choose, that doesn’t mean they’ll be well-fed and healthy. Economies around the world have their own serious problems to deal with. The inha...
I Quit Coffee for a Month, See What Happened to My Body

I Quit Coffee for a Month, See What Happened to My Body

Viral You will be surprised at the changes that might happen to your body if you refuse to consume coffee for 30 days. To prove this, we've prepared and held an experiment especially for you. As a bonus, we will show you what a cup of coffee looks in different countries. TIMESTAMPS Week 1 1:34 Week 2 2:13 Week 3 2:43 Week 4 3:23 Results 4:02 Better sleep 4:07 More energy 4:14 Better looks 4:38 Cleaner environment 4:49 Better mood 5:00 No more addiction 5:15 SUMMARY The most important thing: It turned out it wasn’t coffee I loved so much. It was the ritual of brewing and drinking it in the morning or at work. You can easily replace it with some other more useful routine. Can you think of any? Please share your thoughts in the comment section below the video. It’s j...


Viral We’ve always been fascinated by what would become of Earth and us if something disastrous happened. Have you wondered about it as well? Well, that’s why Hollywood makes so many movies about the end of the world. So what would happen if Earth suddenly stopped spinning (it’s really slowing down, by the way!). Let’s have a look at the incredible consequences that might follow one day. Other videos you might like: What If the Sun Disappeared Right Now? What If Dinosaurs Were Still Alive Today? What If the Earth Lost Oxygen for Just 5 Seconds? TIMESTAMPS: All objects would fly east at high speed with their own momentum 0:52 Enor...


Viral Fresh off the press we got the newest Best Of The Week is ready for your viewing. This week we got hilarious dogs, the dangers of ice fishing, and a scary shark (doo doo doo doo doo doo)! Sorry I had to. Hope Original Links: SUBSCRIBE for awesome videos every day!: Submit your video here: LIKE us on FACEBOOK: FOLLOW us on TWITTER: Short vids on INSTAGRAM: Shorter vids on VINE: JukinVideo is the leading viral video community channel dedicated to showcasing the hottest UGC videos from across the web. We love videos and find the best ones to share with you here, from fail videos to ic...
What If the Moon Disappeared Right Now?

What If the Moon Disappeared Right Now?

Viral We often take the Moon for granted and never even give a thought to how our life would be without our rocky little satellite. Have you ever wondered what would happen if the moon suddenly disappeared? Among all the worst-case Apocalyptic scenarios out there, this is one of the most blood-chilling. One of the most important things about the Moon is the influence its gravitational pull has on the Earth. This is what makes the seas and the oceans rise and fall, giving birth to the tides. They occur twice a day, with the water level rising and then receding again. If the Moon disappeared, a supermassive tidal wave would ruin California, Australia, South-East Asia, large parts of Africa, Chile, India, and part of Western Europe. Due to the new landscape on Earth, ...
20 Absurd Things That Were Absolutely Normal In the Past

20 Absurd Things That Were Absolutely Normal In the Past

Viral The not-so-distant past was filled with so many totally crazy things that we struggle to even imagine how they could possibly have been absolutely normal. Here are some everyday activities and common practices that were totally ordinary in the past despite how absolutely ridiculous and dangerous they may seem to us today. Suntan vending machines, water massagers for breasts, toothache remedy with cocaine, babies in cigarette ads and what not. Music: Preview photo credit: Just an ordinary day for a babysitter of that time, 19th century: By Lei & Ordem, A picture from Popular Science depicting the workers at Walt Disney Studios building a...
10 Tricky Ways TV and News Fool You Every Day

10 Tricky Ways TV and News Fool You Every Day

Viral Almost 30 years ago, Noam Chomsky, a famous intellectual, wrote about manipulation strategies used by the media. A lot of time has passed since then, and the media has evolved tremendously. Today, we have the Internet, Twitter, Facebook and many other media sources that influence us. Unfortunately, that influence isn’t always a positive one. You don’t want to let the media fool you, do you? TIMESTAMPS Creating a Diversion 0:53 Exaggerating a Problem 1:43 Putting Out Information Gradually 2:44 Postponing Big Decisions 3:41 Being Overly Kind 4:26 Playing Up More Feelings, Less Thinking 5:09 Keeping People Uninformed 6:13 Promoting Mediocre Products 7:00 Making People Feel Guilty 7:57 Knowing More About People Than They Do About Themselves 8:52 What do you thin...
22 Exciting Facts for Those Who Are Hard to Surprise

22 Exciting Facts for Those Who Are Hard to Surprise

Viral In case you think you know everything because you are super smart, believe us, there will always be something you got to learn to surprise your friends with your super intelligence. Here are some interesting and surprising facts about the world that could manage to amaze you no matter how jaded you might be. The nephew of the infamous Adolf Hitler received permission to join the U.S. Navy from President Franklin D. Roosevelt. There are several reasons why little ones crave sweet things. First of all, during their rapid growth, kids need more calories, and that's exactly what sugary foods can provide. Secondly, it’s been proven that sugar serves as a natural painkiller for children. Human saliva contains a natural “drug” called opiorphin that helps fight depre...
10 Facts About Our Planet  You Didn’t Learn In School

10 Facts About Our Planet You Didn’t Learn In School

Viral We seem to think we know pretty much all there is to know about our Earth that nothing can surprise us at this point. You’ll be amazed when you find out how much you have yet to learn about our home planet: let’s start with 10 little-known earthly facts. You might know that it’s called “the blue planet”, but did you know that scientists say Earth was originally a different color? Or that the Moon isn’t Earth’s only satellite? The magnetic field is vital for Earth because it protects the planet from the impact of solar winds. We think of our planet’s magnetic field as something constant and stable, but the truth is that it’s changing. James Ross, an explorer and British naval officer, pinpointed the northern magnetic pole for the first time in 1831. In 1904, Roa...
We Finally Know What Killed the Aztecs!

We Finally Know What Killed the Aztecs!

Viral Around 500 years ago the once flourishing Aztec Empire suddenly collapsed. Who or what killed them? Was it the Spaniards? Or perhaps some terrible epidemic? Scientists believe that the latter of the two might have been the culprit, and it looks like they’ve finally found exactly what brought on this civilization-destroying disease. Watch this video to find out how it came about and to learn some interesting facts about the Aztecs that you might not have known. TIMESTAMPS When did the Aztecs start dying? 1:14 Theories: what caused this mass dying 2:00 "The Aztecs" isn’t exactly their original name 4:25 The Aztecs kind of pre-invented basketball 4:46 The Aztecs used an interesting calendar 5:36 The Aztecs had a unique system of slavery 6:17 Polygamy was allowe...
WHAT IF? 7 Popular Hypothetical Questions With Amazing Answers

WHAT IF? 7 Popular Hypothetical Questions With Amazing Answers

Viral There will always be things in this world that you never imagined even existed. That’s why we at Bright Side would like to share the following curious and fascinating facts about seemingly ordinary things. What would happen if... Do you ever get lost in thought with “What if…” questions? “What if I change my job?” “What if I won the lottery?” But what if we start asking more global, perhaps less realistic, questions? What if the Earth was a cube? What if it was flat or two times bigger? Watch the answers to the most googled questions about our planet! What if you drilled a hole through the Earth? You would also really cut down your travel time. It would only take you 42 minutes to end up on the other side of the planet. But if you’re in the US, you better be...


Viral The history of the world is full of surprising mysteries. None of us will live long enough to see them all solved. However, it’s always interesting to have a look at some of the truly bizarre things which lie beneath the surface. Other videos you might like: 15 Accidental Inventions You Can't Imagine Your Life Without 12 Scientific Discoveries That'll Send Chills Down Your Spine 10 Strange Things Found Frozen In Ice Antarctica TIMESTAMPS: Moa Birds 0:23 The Temple Complex of Saksaywaman, Peru 0:51 Gate of the Sun, Bolivia 1:17 The Longyou Caves, China 1:47 The Unfinished Obelisk, Egypt 2:09 The Underwater City of Yonagun...
20 Inventions That Make the World a Bit Crazier

20 Inventions That Make the World a Bit Crazier

Viral People’s creativity will never stop surprising us. It’s tough to tell where a person’s imagination can lead you… Preview photo credit: Mustache Shield. Moustache guard patented by V.A. Gates 18th April 1876 (No. 176,175), Animation is created by Bright Side. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: Instagram: SMART Youtube: 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Have you ever seen a talking slime? Here he is – Slick Slime Sam: ----------------...
12 Facts That’ll Change Your Perception of Time Forever

12 Facts That’ll Change Your Perception of Time Forever

Viral What do you know about ur planet? Many things seem to have existed forever, and certain well-known people are associated with a specific period of time. But have you ever really sat down and considered the relationship between different events in correlation with each other? You’d be surprised how your perception of time really fools you! By the way, we’ve hidden 3 tiny light bulbs in this video. Can you find them all? If you’re the first one to find them and write the time they appear in the comments, you will get a mention from us in one of our next videos! Good luck, and let’s begin! TIMESTAMPS When the first Star Wars was released, the guillotine was still being used in France. 1:02 People born at the same moment can celebrate their birthdays on differen...
Scientists Finally Show Who The Yeti Is

Scientists Finally Show Who The Yeti Is

Viral We’ve all heard of the Yeti, but only a few people in the world claim to have seen one. What is this human-like monster? Is it dangerous to us? And, for that matter, does it even exist at all? Bright Side has summed up results from the latest research on the nature of the Yeti. Are you ready for the truth to be unveiled right before your eyes? For thousands of years, people have been searching for the Yeti, for any proof of its existence, and for the origins of this creature. If you’re a Yeti fan yourself, you’re not going to love for what we have to tell you. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook:
12 Scientific Discoveries That’ll Send Chills Down Your Spine

12 Scientific Discoveries That’ll Send Chills Down Your Spine

Viral Let's find out whether such astounding progress is good and if this “science of the future” can actually come back and bite us later. Did you know that there's a strong chance of a remote control for the body and brain being invented? With each passing day, science continues to move forward. It keeps expanding the boundaries of human capabilities to such an extent, that it seems like it's just a matter of time until we see something we could've imagined only in the boldest sci-fi flicks! TIMESTAMPS Transplantation of a human head 1:16 Selective amnesia 2:14 Water on Mars 2:58 A child from three parents 3:50 Organs grown in a lab 4:39 “Plastic” diseases 5:33 Nanorobots inside people 6:24 There are one billion planets that look like the Earth 7:20 3-D bioprinte...
8 Mistakes in Famous Things No One Noticed

8 Mistakes in Famous Things No One Noticed

Viral Everyone makes mistakes, and they make us learn faster. This is even truer, perhaps, for masters of their trade, whose errors may remain unnoticed for many years and result in calamity. Frankly speaking, an error on the White House is one of our favorites. What about you? Other videos you might like: 15 Accidental Inventions You Can't Imagine Your Life Without 15 Insane Ideas That Made Millions of Dollars 10 Oldest Technologies Scientists Still Can’t Explain TIMESTAMPS: Square Windows 0:27 Disney Concert Hall 0:52 Crazy Horse Memorial 1:24 Aircraft Carriers 2:01 Wikipedia 2:19 Bridgewater Place in Leeds 2:52 The White H...
12 Awesome Facts You Should Know And Share

12 Awesome Facts You Should Know And Share

Viral All too often, we tend to take familiar, everyday things for granted. However, the stories behind many of them are so incredible you’ll wonder why you’ve never encountered these bits of information before. TIMESTAMPS Owning a pineapple 0:27 A dog has a unique nose print 1:07 Lightning affects your appetite 1:31 Diamond and X-ray 1:53 Koalas don't drink water 2:20 An alarm clock from Leonardo da Vinci 2:36 Does lying make your nose grow? 3:05 Why do crocodiles swallow stones? 3:19 Grasshoppers hear with their legs 3:52 Kawah Ijen has blue lava 4:19 Why do cows drink red wine? 4:47 When did World War One end? 5:06 Subscribe to Bright Side: For copyright matters please contact us at: ----------------------------------...
13 Ordinary Things That Have Changed Dramatically

13 Ordinary Things That Have Changed Dramatically

Viral Everything changes over time. With every new day, our world gets enriched with new technologies; familiar objects acquire new functions and unexpected add-ons. More often than not, we find it impossible to guess what those things used to look like when they were first invented. Here are some amazing examples of how progress not only simplifies our everyday life but also transforms it beyond recognition! TIMESTAMPS TV sets 0:51 Sunglasses 1:23 Digital cameras 1:56 Toilet paper 2:25 Washing machines 3:01 Socks 3:28 Drills 3:55 Baby monitors 4:23 Life jackets 4:48 Roller skates 5:12 Calculators 5:44 Tampons 6:16 Hard drive 6:44 SUMMARY - The first mass production of televisions was set up in Germany in 1934. A large wooden box with a tiny screen and fuzzy pictu...