Hey YouTube, Jim here! Welcome to Top10Archive! We’ve had some fun stumping some of our Archivists in the past and decided we couldn’t forgo the opportunity to do it again. Another collection of ten brainteasers, riddles, and mathematic puzzles await you ahead in this special mind-bending installment!
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Welcome to Top10Archive! World War I was ironically called "The war to end all wars", but was proven wrong when World War II began September 1st, 1939. And World War III may not be too far off on the horizon with dwindling natural resources and political unrest. To have even a remote chance of surviving, we list some of the best places to increase your chances.
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10. Antarctica
9. Tuvalu
8. Malta
7. Switzerland
6. Tristan Da Cunha
5. Iceland
4. Falkland Islands
3. Bhutan
2. Fiji
1. New Zealand
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Welcome to Top10Archive! In today’s day and age the internet can become a battleground for cyber wars. Hackers have been known to take down crucial websites, steal credit card information, take down gaming servers, and even use their expertise to assist government agencies. In the cyber world, some of these hackers have gained quite a bit of fame for their computer expertise, becoming some of the most notorious hackers in internet history.
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10. Lizard Squad
9. Johnathan James
8. Syrian Electronic Army
7. Gary McKinnon
6. Jeanson Ancheta
5. Kevin Mitnick
4. Kristina Svechinskaya
2. TinKode
1. Anonymous
Welcome to Top10Archive! Malevolent societies, advanced spacecraft, extraterrestrials.. they’re all synonymous with Area 51. This base in the Nevada Desert has fueled unending curiosity over the secret activities that occur inside it, activities that some contend involve UFO's and alien beings. In this list, we examine the 10 facts about Area 51.
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10. Homey Airport
9. Fast Planes
8. Area 52
7. First Unmanned Air Vehicle
6. Richard Bissell chose the site for Area 51
5. Area 51 was the site of a mining community
4. Area 51 was almost sued
3. Area 51 is Still Growing
2. Area 51 is Nothing Special
1. Bob Lazar
Welcome to Top10Archive! We have all heard of crazy diseases like Ebola and Swine Flu that have been known to spread like wildfire, but what about those rare and often extreme cases that aren’t commonly covered on the news. Of thousands of known, diagnosed medical conditions, we picked the top ten strangest of them all.
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10. Hypertrichosis
9. Neurofibromatosis
8. Noma
7. Madura Foot
6. Elephantiasis
5. Prune Belly Syndrome
4. Progeria
3. Stone Man Disease
2. Diprosopus
1. Epidermodysplasia verruciformis
Welcome to Top10Archive! Over the years, many of us have watched videos online or on the news regarding people who have survived through what they thought was going to be the end of their lives. However, fate was on their side and these lucky individuals did what they had to in order to escape deaths grip. Here are 10 people who survived the impossible.
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10. Harrison Okene
9. Coolidge Winesett
8. Matt Suter
7. Mauro Prosperi
6. Juliane Koepcke
5. Ricky Megee
4. Hugh Glass
3. Amy Racina
2. Aron Ralston
1. Norman Ollestad Jr.
Welcome to Top10Archive! From lost Nazi treasure sunk at the bottom of an Austrian lake, to one of the most expensive brain teasers in history, the Beale ciphers, in this video we are going to dive into or in other cases dig into ten hidden treasures that are still up for grabs.
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10. Forrest Fenn’s Treasure Hunt
9. The Ultimate “Money Pit”
8. Nazi Treasure in Lake Toplitz
7. 200 Million Off The Coast Of Florida
6. The Beale Ciphers
5. The 100 Year Old Lost Dimes
4. Treasure Fleet of 1715
3. The Lost City Of Paititi
2. Pure Gold Statues in Coco’s Island Cave
1. King John’s Crown Jewels
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Welcome to Top10Archive! Shoes and other cargo that fall off ships are common to show up on shores.. but did you know there are still an estimated 2,000 rubber ducks out there that have been floating for over 20 years?
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10. Flyswatter
9. Giant Eyeball
8. Tea Packets MSC Chitra
7. Bananas and Doritos
6. Grand Piano
5. WWII Love Letters
4. Montauk Monster
3. Nike Shoes
2. Rubber Ducks
1. Lego Men
Welcome to Top10Archive! Some lost cities are born of truth, tangible accounts of the civilizations and inhabitants that resided there at one time. Others are built from legend, great domains that may never be unearthed because there’s a chance they never existed. For this installment, we’re donning our fedora and taking a ride in a few lead refrigerators to try and locate these 10 legendary lost cities.
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10. Ys
9. Ai
8. The Seven Cities of Gold
7. Aztlan
6. Lost City of Z
5. Arthurian Camelot
4. El Dorado
3. Sodom and Gomorrah
2. Kitezh
1. Atlantis
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Welcome to Top10Archive! We all love a good heist film. They’re exciting, and often makes us question whether or not we feel bad rooting for the criminals. In this installment from our archive, we’re bringing those films to life with 10 of the biggest heists ever pulled off. At the time of this video, these masterminds remain at large.
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10. Nihon Shintaku Ginko Bank
9. Credit Lyonnais
8. British Bank of the Middle East Beirut Branch
7. Banco Itau
6. Banco Central at Fortaleza
5. Harry Winston
4. Schiphol Airport
3. Carlton Intercontinental Hotel Jewel Heist
2. Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
1. The Russian Hacker Ring
Welcome to Top10Archive! There are few things more terrifying than being lost amongst the deep blue sea. Amidst the expanse of blue, you just float, day in and day out, hoping that someone will happen upon you or you’ll drift to solid ground. Tales of people lost at sea end in one of two ways - either with celebration and good cheer or mystery and misery. For this installment, we’re going to retell ten tales of people that braved the high seas - and while some made it back to share their story, others sadly perished to the great depths.
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10. Rex Willimon
9. Tom and Eileen Lonergan
8. Brad Cavanagh and Deborah Kiley
7. Josh Long and Troy Driscoll
6. Amanda Thorns and Dennis White
5. Richard Van Pham
Welcome to Top10Archive! In this video we are going to count down the 10 most shocking cases of couples vanishing without a trace. When a single person goes missing, things seem suspicious. When a husband and wife or boyfriend and girlfriend do and are never found, it seems like an event taken right out of a Stephen King novel.
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10. Connor and Sheila Dwyer
9. Kristina Branum and Christopher Mittendorf
8. Glen and Bessie Hyde
7. Camden Sylvia and Michael Sullivan
6. Thomas and Eileen Cassidy Lonergan
5. Claude and Martha Sue Shelton
4. Hue Pham and Hue Tran
3. Mitchel Weiser and Bonnie Bickwit
2. Richard Petrone and Danielle Imbo
1. William and Margaret Patterson
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Welcome to Top10Archive! We all know the story of Jack the Ripper and have heard tales of the Zodiac Killer, but there are other sinister beings out there that have committed atrocious crimes and have gotten away with it. In this installment, we are going to focus on some of the less talked about unsolved murder sprees.
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10. The Long Island Ripper
9. Bible John
8. Cleveland Torso Murderer
7. Texarkana Moonlight Murders
6. Jack the Stripper
5. The Frankford Slasher
4. Capital City Murders
3. The Monster of Florence
2. Servant Girl Annihilator
1. The Axeman of New Orleans
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"Lost Time" Kevin MacLeod (
Welcome to Top10Archive! A picture may be worth a thousand words, but sometimes it is the story behind the photo that does all of the talking. In this installment, we’re going to dig through a proverbial photo album of the macabre, looking at ten photographs that may seem innocuous. Underneath the surface, these Polaroid’s have attached to them stories that are unforgettable and, quite honestly, quite a bit disturbing. Take heed, some of these photos and the stories behind them are not for the faint of heart.
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10. Tyler Hadley’s Killer Party
9. The Red Vauxhall Cavalier
8. Travis Alexander’s Last Shower
7. Reynaldo Dagsa’s Family Photo
6. Chris McCandless
5. John Lennon Meets His Assassin
4. Regina K...
Welcome to Top10Archive! From the moment man was able to fear it, the end of the world has been a hot button topic. Predictions have been made by so many people over time that it’s tough to keep track of every instance the world was meant to end; but there are specific cases that were more than just predictions. In this installment from Top10Archive, we look at 10 end-of-the-world predictions that caused panic, mayhem, and chaos, causing people to do ludicrous and impulsive things.
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10. January 1st, 1000
9. February 1st, 1524
8. October 22nd, 1844
7. May 18th, 1910
6. Helter Skelter
5. March 26th, 1997
4. January 1st, 2000
3. May 21st, 2011
2. October 21st, 2011
1. December 21st, 2012
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Welcome to Top10Archive! We all love a good fable about the supernatural, but what if there were something sinister to it? What if the tale is about something tangible, something that’s not a figment of an imagination or easily written off by swamp gas. What if that tale is about something deadly, a cursed artifact that should be avoided at all costs? Well, you’d probably want to hear more about it, so we’re going to deliver to you tales of the Top 10 most cursed items.
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10. The Anguished Man Painting
9. Myrtle Plantation Mirror
8. King Tuts Tomb
7. Atuk Script
6. Robert the Doll
5. The Hope Diamond
4. The Busby Rocking Chair
3. The Hands Resist Him
2. The Dybbuk Box
1. Annabelle
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Welcome to Top10Archive! In this installment, we are ascending into the world of the mysterious and unknown. Are they believable as historical fact, or are they just very well thought out hoaxes? Join us in a journey of the Top 10 most unsolved mysterious Ancient Artifacts!
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10. The Moai of Easter Island
9. The Elongated Paracas Skulls
8. The Baigong Pipes of China
7. The Baghdad Battery
6. The Roman Dodecahedron
5. The Crustaceous Hammer
4. The Voynich Code
3. The Antikythera Mechanism
2. The Russian Ancient Screw
1. The Betz Family Sphere
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Welcome to Top10Archive, in this video we will be looking at ten images that simply cannot be explained.. or can they? This list includes the Battle of Los Angeles, the hipster time traveler, and even a "monster" from Plum Island.
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10. The Phoenix Lights
9. The Falcon Lake Incident
8. The Phantom Thumb
7. The Battle of Los Angeles
6. The Time Traveler
5. The Face of Freddy Jackson
4. Solway Firth Spaceman
3. Cooper Family Falling Body Photo
2. The Hook Island Sea Monster
1. The Plum Island Monster
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Welcome to Top10Archive! From cannibal rats, mysterious WWI submarines, and tax evasion, in this video we will look at 10 mysterious ghost ships.
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10. The SS Baychimo
9. The Zebrina
8. Jenny
7. The Kaz II
6. SS Valencia
5. The Jian Seng
4. Bel Amica
3. The Lyubov Orlova
2. The MV Joyita
1. The Mary Celeste
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Welcome to Top10Archive. After more than 125 years, the murderer known as “Jack The Ripper” has never been identified. Although many suspects have been linked and some have even admitted to the crimes, we will probably never know the truth killer. In this video, we will look at 10 suspects who are most likely “Jack The Ripper”.
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10. William Henry Bury
9. Montague John Druitt
8. James Kelly
7. James Maybrick
6. Dr Thomas Neill Cream
5. The Royal Conspiracy
4. Walter Sickert
3. George Chapman
2. Francis Tumblety
1. Aaron Kominski
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Welcome to Top10Archive! From mysterious disappearances to undecipherable documents, in this video we will take a look at 10 mind-boggling mysteries that have yet to be solved. Know of another unsolved mystery? Have an idea for a future Top 10? Let us know in the comment section below!
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10. The Taos Hum
9. The Voynich Manuscript
8. The Babushka Lady
7. The Amazon
6. The Georgia Guidestones
5. The Wow Signal
4. Ancient Aluminum
3. Cicada 3301
2. The Bermuda Triangle
1. The Shroud of Turin
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Welcome to Top10Archive! Do you have the courage to visit the most haunted places in the world? Embark on a journey into some of the most terrifying places on earth in this Top 10 video.. if you dare..
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10. Hunedoara Castle
9. Beechworth Lunatic Asylum
8. Suicide Forest
7. Villisca Axe Murder House
6. The Manila Film Center
5. Takakanonuma amusement park
4. The Sedlec Ossuary
3. The Body Farm
2. The Tower of London
1. The Whaley House
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There are thousands of unsolved murders, but some seem to have an eerie and unusual twist to them. Some even are downright mind-boggling! We'll look at 10 of them in this video. Know of a famous unsolved murder we left out? Have an idea for a future Top 10? Let us know in the comment section below!
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10. The City of the Lost Girls
9. Elizabeth Short
8. JonBenet Ramsey
7. Human Feet
6. O.J. Simpson
5. Edgar Allen Poe
4. Tampered Tylenol
3. Tupac Shakur & Notorious B.I.G
2. The Zodiac Killer
1. Jack the Ripper
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Welcome to Top10Archive! Looking for a thrill on Halloween? Visit one of the 10 most haunted places in the United States! How many of these places have you heard of?
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10. St. Louis Cemetery - New Orleans, Louisiana
9. The Winchester Mystery House - San Jose, California
8. Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum
7. Stepp Cemetery - Benton, Indiana
6. Moundsville Penitentiary - Moundsville, West Virginia
5. Gettysburg Battlefield - Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
4. The Stanley Hotel - Estes Park, Colorado
3. St. Augustine Lighthouse - St. Augustine, Florida
2. The Myrtles Plantation - St. Francisville, Louisiana
1. Bell Witch Cave - Adams, Tennessee
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Welcome to Top10Archive! It’s common to hear that flying is a much safer method of travel than driving, but there’s an eeriness that comes with the thought of just vanishing entirely without a trace. Whether lost to the Deep Blue or some other nefarious reason, these plane disappearances are among the most mysterious to have happened, leaving behind only questions about their perilous end.
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10. Ben Charles Padilla
9. Upali Wijewardene
8. Glenn Miller
7. Frederick Valentich
6. Ian Mackintosh
5. BSAA Star Tiger
4. BSAA Star Ariel
3. Ame...
Welcome to Top10Archive! Social media has made it very convenient for us to post every thought we’ve ever had. That, of course, means we’re going to be privy to some unreal scenarios in another’s life. We’ve all likely heard the phrase ‘famous last words’, but now with more advanced technology and the range of social media, we’ve come to record someone’s ‘famous last tweet’. After searching the darkest corners of the Internet, we have 10 of the most unsettling - sometimes eerie, disturbing, and ironic - tweets people had posted before meeting an untimely demise.
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10. Capital Steez (@CapitalSTEEZ_)
9. Mitch Lucker (@MitchLuckerSS)
8. Amanda (@TrappedAtMyDesk)
7. Paul Walker (@RealPaulWalker)
6. Ashley...
Welcome to Top10Archive! Do you believe in coincidences? Or perhaps there’s something larger at hand that makes weird things happen the way they do. Whether it’s being there at the right time or even some bizarre events where history repeats itself, sometimes things are just too strange to go unnoticed. We’ve compiled these moments into the top 10 strangest coincidences in history.
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10. Dorothy Fletcher
9. Deus Ex Twin Towers
8. Kamikaze (Typhoon)
7. Hoover Dam Victims
6. Mark Twain Comet
5. Barbara Forrest and Mary Ashford
4. Baby Catcher
3. Tecumseh’s Prophecy
2. Lincoln and JFK
1. Edgar Allan Poe Predicts the Future
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