Tuesday, March 4

Watch the Stomach-Churning Video of a Bull Attacking Matador Alejandro Conquero

Watch the Stomach-Churning Video of a Bull Attacking Matador Alejandro Conquero

WARNING: DISTRESSING CONTENT. Another Spanish matador has been gored where the sun don’t shine.

Horrifying video captured the moment a bull thrust one of its horns into Alejandro Conquero’s rectum Monday — sending him skyward while spectators screamed in horror in Cenicientos, Madrid, the Sun reported.

The 28-year-old is seen taunting the bull at the Prieto de la Cal event with a pink and yellow cape for a few seconds before the charging beast rams him twice — once into the air and then to the ground.

It then impales Conquero in his backside and sends him high over its body as fellow fighters rush in to distract the animal.

The mauled matador then gets up and limps off as he checks his penetrated posterior.

Read more at https://nypost.com/2023/08/16/horrifying-video-shows-matador-being-gored-in-the-behind/

#spain #bull #alejandroconquero #matador

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