A NASA image showing Volcanic features on the Moon of earth
This image showcases the view of Astronaut Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin posing for a photograph beside the US flag during an Apollo 11 extravehicular activity (EVA).
The image was taken by an STS-103 astronaut from inside Discovery's cabin. It features the Moon backdropped against the blackness of space over Earth's horizon.
Water Ice in Lunar Polar Regions: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite have confirmed the presence of water ice in permanently shadowed areas near the Moon's poles
There's a myth that the the moon is shrinking, and NASA has confirmed that it's true
Thin lunar atmosphere: NASA's LADEE mission revealed a sparse layer of gas surrounding the Moon.
It's also a fact that the moon might have been part of the Earth millions of years ago
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