Sunday, February 23

What If You Were Born In Space?

What If You Were Born In Space?

What If You Were Born In Space?
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Space is seemingly endless… harboring an astounding amount of galaxies where life could possibly exist… But just imagine for a moment being in the vastness of space, your life has just begun… No Earth, no air… and no planetary gravity to hold you down or restrain you. You are simply born into the cold, black, and unforgiving conditions of outer space. It sounds a little lonely, and a bit scary. But what would it really be like to be born in outer space?

First of all, a pregnant woman would not be advised, nor are they currently permitted by NASA to travel into space. In fact, astronauts must be in top physical shape to withstand the rigors of space travel. Before lift-off, they are required to undergo elaborate survival training, and they also go through rigorous physical exercise, and intense medical exams. Furthermore, learning how to spacewalk takes place underwater, and requires a lot of stamina and endurance. For a very fit athlete, these challenges are difficult enough, but being pregnant would probably render an astronaut incapable of performing any of these tasks.

Secondly, if an astronaut weren’t already pregnant, conception is nearly impossible in space. The weightless environment would be a challenge for couples to stay attached. They would have to be anchored down, not only to the space vehicle itself, but also to each other, which would be extremely awkward. Fertilization of an egg would be nearly impossible within a weightless environment. Even if it did happen, fluid flow to the embryo would be also interrupted, making it nearly impossible to gestate and develop a baby to full term.

We hope you enjoyed this video. What do you think would happen if you were born in outer space? Let us know in the comments. And if you enjoyed the video make sure to subscribe and turn on notifications. If you have a good idea for a video, we’d love to hear about it! Thanks for watching and we’ll see you next time!

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