Saturday, March 15

‘Where’s Jackie?’: Biden asks dead Indiana rep to identify herself in crowd | New York Post

‘Where’s Jackie?’: Biden asks dead Indiana rep to identify herself in crowd | New York Post

President Biden asked for the late Rep. Jackie Walorski to identify herself at a Washington event Wednesday, forgetting that the Indiana Republican died in a car crash last month.

Biden made the embarrassing error while thanking bipartisan members of Congress at a nutrition event near the White House.

“I want to thank all of you here, including bipartisan elected officials like Representative [Jim] McGovern, Senator [Mike] Braun, Senator [Cory] Booker, Representative Jackie — are you here? Where’s Jackie? — I think she was going to be here,” the president said.

Biden, 79, is the oldest-ever president and his mental acuity is regularly questioned by his political foes — though Biden and his defenders have brushed off the concerns by saying the commander-in-chief is simply prone to gaffes.


#joebiden #jackiewalorski #washington

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