Friday, March 28

Wild videos show flooded LaGuardia Airport terminal, travelers attempting to flee ankle-deep waters

Wild videos show flooded LaGuardia Airport terminal, travelers attempting to flee ankle-deep waters

Travelers trying to flee New York on budget airlines out of LaGuardia Airport were faced with ankle-deep water Friday morning amid widespread flooding.

The airport was forced to close its Terminal A — from where flights on Spirit and Frontier airlines depart — as the floodwaters barreled through the building.

Photos and videos posted online showed the terminal covered in water as frantic passengers tried to flee.

One woman even shared footage from inside one of the terminals, showing her TikTok followers the water creeping up over her boots and seeping through the building’s revolving doors.

“NEVER FLYING FROM LAGUARDIA AGAIN.” she wrote on the clip.


#laguardia #flooding #nyc #flood #lga

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