Sunday, February 23

Working from home? Here’s how to make your setup more ergonomic | New York Post

Working from home? Here’s how to make your setup more ergonomic | New York Post

The coronavirus could end up being a real pain in your neck.

While most city dwellers don’t have in-home offices to spread out in while they work from home for the foreseeable future, there are still ways to be smart about your spine from 9 to 5.

When it comes to non-COVID-19 consequences, “the brunt of the non-infected population’s symptoms will be in their lower backs and necks,” Matthew Devoe, a Manhattan-based chiropractor tells The Post. He says it’s likely a bad setup could result in “tech neck” — the headaches and spasms you get from too much hunching.

But there are ways to make sure you don’t end up in the doctor’s office when the self-quarantine is over.

Here, Devoe shares five tips that will keep you sitting up straight and getting through your self-isolation pain-free.

Get off the couch
Although it might be tempting to splay out on your sectional, working from your sofa is one of the worst things you can do for your long-term back health. “I have never seen anyone be able to maintain both their cervical and lumbar lordosis while sitting on any kind of couch for extended periods of time,” says Devoe, referring to when your lower back curves inward too much. Maintain spine health by going for a chair or a barstool during working hours.

Make your own standing desk
Even if you’re sitting, you might need to elevate your computer. “The middle of your screen should be in line with your eyes while you’re working, not below,” Devoe says. Some no-no spots for your laptop? “Never on your lap, definitely not on your coffee table,” he says. Instead, “your laptop should be elevated approximately 6 to 12 inches above your desk,” he says. Use books or boxes to get to that sweet spot.

Go wireless (even more wireless)
While we’re all telecommuting, creature comforts will be essential. A wireless keyboard and mouse might not seem as alluring as a bottle of wine or an extra box of cookies. But “this is the only thing you may need to buy to not end up in my office once this is all over.” If your computer is elevated to the proper height, it will be hard to use the keyboard and mouse on high without shrugging your shoulders. Get comfortable and order wireless ones on Amazon “for around $25 for the pair,” he says.

Stay put
Cabin fever might have you rearranging all of your furniture, but Devoe suggests setting up a workspace in your apartment and staying put. “Once you start thinking you can work from bed, it’s all over,” he says. “Be consistent with where your designated work space is,” he says. That way you won’t slip when it comes to elevating your screen, and sitting up in a real chair.

Take breaks from your screen
Limiting screen time might be out of the question while working from home, but you should still step away “for five minutes once every hour of screen time,” says Devoe. Beyond checking the fridge or walking your dog, five minutes of standing up and walking around “will reset your body’s natural position and prevent you from getting comfortable in the wrong position.”

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