Friday, March 28

Author: admin

What Happens When A Fly Lands On Your Food?

What Happens When A Fly Lands On Your Food?

Science, Tech and Gadgets Have you ever wondered what a fly is doing when it lands on your food? Laci did some research to figure out just what happens. Read More: Study: Flies on food should make you drop your fork “Answer this question while you are not eating: Which of the following would make you stop chowing down if you spied them while you were in a restaurant?” Watch More: Can You Still Eat Moldy Food TestTube Wild Card Why Flies Are Great Flyers ...
What Happens When Earth’s Magnetic Poles Reverse?

What Happens When Earth’s Magnetic Poles Reverse?

Science, Tech and Gadgets Thousands of years ago, Earth’s magnetic poles flipped. What will happen the next time they reverse? Tara explains. Read More: Extremely rapid directional change during Matuyama-Brunhes geomagnetic polarity reversal “We report a palaeomagnetic investigation of the last full geomagnetic field reversal, the Matuyama-Brunhes (M-B) transition, as preserved in a continuous sequence of exposed lacustrine sediments in the Apennines of Central Italy.” Photo © Science Picture Co./Corbis ____________________ DNews is dedicated to satisfying your curiosity and to bringing you mind-bending stories & perspectives you won't find anywhere else! New videos twice daily. Watch More DNews on TestTube ...
What Happens When You Die?

What Happens When You Die?

Science, Tech and Gadgets Immediately after you die, your body begins to decompose. Trace thought it would be interesting to take a look at everything that happens after your heart stops beating. Read More: The 5 Stages of Human Decomposition “When people die, their body starts to decay immediately.” 5 weird things that happen after you die “Nature isn't kind to the human body after death.” How Dying Works “After the heart stops beating, the body immediately starts turning cold.” A Human Corpse Post-Mortem: The Stages of Dec...
What Happens When You Die?

What Happens When You Die?

Science, Tech and Gadgets Immediately after you die, your body begins to decompose. Trace thought it would be interesting to take a look at everything that happens after your heart stops beating. Read More: The 5 Stages of Human Decomposition “When people die, their body starts to decay immediately.” 5 weird things that happen after you die “Nature isn't kind to the human body after death.” How Dying Works “After the heart stops beating, the body immediately starts turning cold.” A Human Corpse Post-Mortem: The Stages of Dec...
What Would Happen If Gravity Stopped?

What Would Happen If Gravity Stopped?

Science, Tech and Gadgets If gravity stopped, what would happen to everything here on Earth? Turns out, it’s very, very bad. Follow Crystal on Twitter: Special thanks to Casey Handmer for helping with this video! Do YOU want a shirt with Trace's face on it? Click here!: What If There Were No Gravity "In the interest of not being boring, let's consider an alternative scenario: What if the universe formed with gravity and developed normally up until a certain moment in space-time, and what if then, suddenly, gravity switched off?" What if There Were No Gravity on Earth?
What Would Happen If Gravity Stopped?

What Would Happen If Gravity Stopped?

Science, Tech and Gadgets If gravity stopped, what would happen to everything here on Earth? Turns out, it’s very, very bad. Follow Crystal on Twitter: Special thanks to Casey Handmer for helping with this video! Do YOU want a shirt with Trace's face on it? Click here!: What If There Were No Gravity "In the interest of not being boring, let's consider an alternative scenario: What if the universe formed with gravity and developed normally up until a certain moment in space-time, and what if then, suddenly, gravity switched off?" What if There Were No Gravity on Earth?
What Happens When You Burn Your Tongue?

What Happens When You Burn Your Tongue?

Science, Tech and Gadgets RSVP to our hangout with AsapSCIENCE and It’s Okay To Be Smart: Have you ever been so excited to eat that first piece of pizza, but you burn your tongue because it’s so hot? What exactly is happening inside your mouth? Read More: Glossitis “Glossitis is a problem in which the tongue is swollen and changes color, often making the surface of the tongue appear smooth.” Lingual papilla “Lingual papillae (singular papilla) are the small, nipple or hair–like structures on the upper surface of the tongue that give the tongue its characteristic rough texture.” 7 Things You Didn’t Know About Your Taste Buds http://www.womans...
What Happens When You Burn Your Tongue?

What Happens When You Burn Your Tongue?

Science, Tech and Gadgets RSVP to our hangout with AsapSCIENCE and It’s Okay To Be Smart: Have you ever been so excited to eat that first piece of pizza, but you burn your tongue because it’s so hot? What exactly is happening inside your mouth? Read More: Glossitis “Glossitis is a problem in which the tongue is swollen and changes color, often making the surface of the tongue appear smooth.” Lingual papilla “Lingual papillae (singular papilla) are the small, nipple or hair–like structures on the upper surface of the tongue that give the tongue its characteristic rough texture.” 7 Things You Didn’t Know About Your Taste Buds http://www.womans...
What Happens When A Meteor Strikes Earth?

What Happens When A Meteor Strikes Earth?

Science, Tech and Gadgets Most of the near earth objects that approach Earth burn up in our atmosphere. What happens to the ones that don’t? Read More: Huge Tunguska Explosion Remains Mysterious 100 Years Later “A full century after the mysterious Tunguska explosion in Siberia leveled an area nearly the size of Tokyo, debate continues over what caused it.” Near Earth Objects & Impact Effects “Near Earth Objects are asteroids or comets that have orbits around the Sun that bring them close to the Earth. The actual definition of an NEO is a comet or asteroid whose orbit brings it close to Earth’s orbit. The criterion is a perih...
What Happens When A Meteor Strikes Earth?

What Happens When A Meteor Strikes Earth?

Science, Tech and Gadgets Most of the near earth objects that approach Earth burn up in our atmosphere. What happens to the ones that don’t? Read More: Huge Tunguska Explosion Remains Mysterious 100 Years Later “A full century after the mysterious Tunguska explosion in Siberia leveled an area nearly the size of Tokyo, debate continues over what caused it.” Near Earth Objects & Impact Effects “Near Earth Objects are asteroids or comets that have orbits around the Sun that bring them close to the Earth. The actual definition of an NEO is a comet or asteroid whose orbit brings it close to Earth’s orbit. The criterion is a perih...
What Happens If All The World’s Ice Melts?

What Happens If All The World’s Ice Melts?

Science, Tech and Gadgets Which Country Will Be Under Water In Our Lifetime?: Climate change is causing the ice sheets to melt at an alarming rate. What would happen if all of the frozen ice in the ocean melted? Read More: Melting Arctic sea ice could increase summer rainfall in northwest Europe suggests new study “A new study offers an explanation for the extraordinary run of wet summers experienced by Britain and northwest Europe between 2007 and 2012. The study found that loss of Arctic sea ice shifts the jet stream further south than normal resulting in increased rain during the summer in northwest Europe.” Antarctic Ice Shelf in Last Throes of Collapse
What Happens If All The World’s Ice Melts?

What Happens If All The World’s Ice Melts?

Science, Tech and Gadgets Which Country Will Be Under Water In Our Lifetime?: Climate change is causing the ice sheets to melt at an alarming rate. What would happen if all of the frozen ice in the ocean melted? Read More: Melting Arctic sea ice could increase summer rainfall in northwest Europe suggests new study “A new study offers an explanation for the extraordinary run of wet summers experienced by Britain and northwest Europe between 2007 and 2012. The study found that loss of Arctic sea ice shifts the jet stream further south than normal resulting in increased rain during the summer in northwest Europe.” Antarctic Ice Shelf in Last Throes of Collapse
What Happens When Endangered Animals Come Back?

What Happens When Endangered Animals Come Back?

Science, Tech and Gadgets Sometimes, endangered species make a comeback! How does this happen? Read More: Harbor Seal Pupping Season Has Begun “Springtime is pup season. At this time of year, harbor seal pups are frequently found alone on area beaches.” Many endangered species are back - but face new struggles “A study of marine mammals and other protected species finds that several once endangered species, including the iconic humpback whale, the northern elephant seal and green sea turtles, have recovered and are repopulating their former ranges.” ____________________ DNews is dedicated to satisfying your curiosity and to bringing you mind-bending stories & per...
What Happens When Endangered Animals Come Back?

What Happens When Endangered Animals Come Back?

Science, Tech and Gadgets Sometimes, endangered species make a comeback! How does this happen? Read More: Harbor Seal Pupping Season Has Begun “Springtime is pup season. At this time of year, harbor seal pups are frequently found alone on area beaches.” Many endangered species are back - but face new struggles “A study of marine mammals and other protected species finds that several once endangered species, including the iconic humpback whale, the northern elephant seal and green sea turtles, have recovered and are repopulating their former ranges.” ____________________ DNews is dedicated to satisfying your curiosity and to bringing you mind-bending stories & per...
What Happens When You Leave Your Tampon In Too Long?

What Happens When You Leave Your Tampon In Too Long?

Science, Tech and Gadgets If you leave your tampon in for too long, bad things can happen. Let’s take a look at toxic shock syndrome. Read More: COMPANY FOUND NEGLIGENT IN TOXIC SHOCK DISEASE SUIT “A Federal jury today found that the Procter & Gamble Company was negligent and offered a defective product when it put Rely tampons on the market, but it did not award any damages to a Colorado teen-ager who sued the company.” Toxic Shock: Why This Woman Is Suing a Tampon Company After Losing Her Leg “It started on October 3, 2012, when Lauren says she felt a little off—almost like she was coming down wit...
What Happens When You Leave Your Tampon In Too Long?

What Happens When You Leave Your Tampon In Too Long?

Science, Tech and Gadgets If you leave your tampon in for too long, bad things can happen. Let’s take a look at toxic shock syndrome. Read More: COMPANY FOUND NEGLIGENT IN TOXIC SHOCK DISEASE SUIT “A Federal jury today found that the Procter & Gamble Company was negligent and offered a defective product when it put Rely tampons on the market, but it did not award any damages to a Colorado teen-ager who sued the company.” Toxic Shock: Why This Woman Is Suing a Tampon Company After Losing Her Leg “It started on October 3, 2012, when Lauren says she felt a little off—almost like she was coming down wit...
What Happens When Captive Animals Are Released?

What Happens When Captive Animals Are Released?

Science, Tech and Gadgets After they’ve been in captivity, do animals fair better in their natural habitat? How Powerful is PETA? Read More: Global Re-introduction Perspectives: 2013 “Out of the seven major taxa only invertebrates did not have a project ranked as highly successful. There was only one amphibian case study and this was ranked as highly successful.” Captive Carnivores Not Up To Wild Living “On average only one in three captive-born carnivores survives in the wild, with most deaths related to human activities.” Theme Park Dolphins May Be Set Free—Are They the Last?
What Happens When Captive Animals Are Released?

What Happens When Captive Animals Are Released?

Science, Tech and Gadgets After they’ve been in captivity, do animals fair better in their natural habitat? How Powerful is PETA? Read More: Global Re-introduction Perspectives: 2013 “Out of the seven major taxa only invertebrates did not have a project ranked as highly successful. There was only one amphibian case study and this was ranked as highly successful.” Captive Carnivores Not Up To Wild Living “On average only one in three captive-born carnivores survives in the wild, with most deaths related to human activities.” Theme Park Dolphins May Be Set Free—Are They the Last?
What Happens When We Experience ‘Awe’?

What Happens When We Experience ‘Awe’?

Science, Tech and Gadgets Have you ever climbed a mountain, looked at the beautiful scenery, and felt a sense of awe and wonder? What does this feeling do to us? Subscribe to Shots Of Awe: Check out one of Jason's recent videos: Read More: AWE: FOR ALTRUISM AND HEALTH? “Awe is the feeling of being in the presence of something vast that transcends your understanding of the world. Early in human history, awe was reserved for feelings toward divine beings.” Add Nature, Art and Religion to Life's Best Anti-inflammatories “Taking in such spine-tingling wonders as the Grand Canyon, Sistine Chap...
What Happens When We Experience ‘Awe’?

What Happens When We Experience ‘Awe’?

Science, Tech and Gadgets Have you ever climbed a mountain, looked at the beautiful scenery, and felt a sense of awe and wonder? What does this feeling do to us? Subscribe to Shots Of Awe: Check out one of Jason's recent videos: Read More: AWE: FOR ALTRUISM AND HEALTH? “Awe is the feeling of being in the presence of something vast that transcends your understanding of the world. Early in human history, awe was reserved for feelings toward divine beings.” Add Nature, Art and Religion to Life's Best Anti-inflammatories “Taking in such spine-tingling wonders as the Grand Canyon, Sistine Chap...
What Happens To Your Body When You’re Dehydrated?

What Happens To Your Body When You’re Dehydrated?

Science, Tech and Gadgets If you've ever worked for awhile in the beating sun, you might know what it feels like to be dehydrated. What's going on inside your body? Read More: How Much Water Do People Drink? "In 1998 the United States averaged 54 gallons of soda consumed per person, to only 42 gallons of water." Water, Hydration, and Health "This review attempts to provide some sense of our current knowledge of water including overall patterns of intake and some factors linked with intake, the complex mechanisms behind water homeostasis, the effects of variation in water intake on health and energy intake, weight, and human performanc...
What Happens To Your Body When You’re Dehydrated?

What Happens To Your Body When You’re Dehydrated?

Science, Tech and Gadgets If you've ever worked for awhile in the beating sun, you might know what it feels like to be dehydrated. What's going on inside your body? Read More: How Much Water Do People Drink? "In 1998 the United States averaged 54 gallons of soda consumed per person, to only 42 gallons of water." Water, Hydration, and Health "This review attempts to provide some sense of our current knowledge of water including overall patterns of intake and some factors linked with intake, the complex mechanisms behind water homeostasis, the effects of variation in water intake on health and energy intake, weight, and human performanc...
What Happens To Your Brain When You Space Out?

What Happens To Your Brain When You Space Out?

Science, Tech and Gadgets Some people tend to space out during their daily morning routines. Wake up, make coffee, drive to work, what happens to you brain when it’s on autopilot? Can The Human Brain Be Reprogrammed? ►►►► DNews Live Tickets Here ►►►► Read More: How Your Brain Works on Autopilot “Anyone who's learned to ride a bike or touch type might have wondered how a task that is so arduous at first could be so seamlessly easy later. A new study reveals more about exactly what goes on in the brain as we form these habits.” Switching between habitual and goal-directed actions: A 'two in one' system in our brain
What Happens To Your Brain When You Space Out?

What Happens To Your Brain When You Space Out?

Science, Tech and Gadgets Some people tend to space out during their daily morning routines. Wake up, make coffee, drive to work, what happens to you brain when it’s on autopilot? Can The Human Brain Be Reprogrammed? ►►►► DNews Live Tickets Here ►►►► Read More: How Your Brain Works on Autopilot “Anyone who's learned to ride a bike or touch type might have wondered how a task that is so arduous at first could be so seamlessly easy later. A new study reveals more about exactly what goes on in the brain as we form these habits.” Switching between habitual and goal-directed actions: A 'two in one' system in our brain
What Happens When You’re In a Coma?

What Happens When You’re In a Coma?

Science, Tech and Gadgets The word coma comes from the greek meaning of “deep sleep,” but what exactly does this unconscious state do to your brain? Can A Brain Injury Make You a Genius? ►►►► Read More: How Comas Work “Illnesses that affect the brain and brain injuries can both cause comas. If a person suffers severe head trauma, the impact can cause the brain to move back and forth inside the skull.” How Active Is the Brain in a Coma? “When doctors recently tested former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon brain with a functional MRI, they found "robust" brain activity when he was shown pi...
What Happens When You’re In a Coma?

What Happens When You’re In a Coma?

Science, Tech and Gadgets The word coma comes from the greek meaning of “deep sleep,” but what exactly does this unconscious state do to your brain? Can A Brain Injury Make You a Genius? ►►►► Read More: How Comas Work “Illnesses that affect the brain and brain injuries can both cause comas. If a person suffers severe head trauma, the impact can cause the brain to move back and forth inside the skull.” How Active Is the Brain in a Coma? “When doctors recently tested former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon brain with a functional MRI, they found "robust" brain activity when he was shown pi...
Alcohol, Caffeine, & Opioids: What Happens When You’re Hooked?

Alcohol, Caffeine, & Opioids: What Happens When You’re Hooked?

Science, Tech and Gadgets Withdrawal is a painful experience when someone stops taking a drug. What makes its symptoms so awful? What Makes Heroin So Deadly? ►►►► Sign Up For The TestTube Newsletter Here ►►►► Read More: Key Trigger Of Opioid Withdrawal Symptoms Found "Researchers have discovered an important chemical in the brain's neuronal machinery that triggers some of the withdrawal symptoms of opioid drugs like morphine and heroin. They believe that drugs to inhibit the chemical--called a transporter--could relieve some of the early physical symptoms of withdrawal, such as teeth-chattering, uncontrolled shaking, and jumpiness." Brain Changes in an Addict Make It ...
Alcohol, Caffeine, & Opioids: What Happens When You’re Hooked?

Alcohol, Caffeine, & Opioids: What Happens When You’re Hooked?

Science, Tech and Gadgets Withdrawal is a painful experience when someone stops taking a drug. What makes its symptoms so awful? What Makes Heroin So Deadly? ►►►► Sign Up For The TestTube Newsletter Here ►►►► Read More: Key Trigger Of Opioid Withdrawal Symptoms Found "Researchers have discovered an important chemical in the brain's neuronal machinery that triggers some of the withdrawal symptoms of opioid drugs like morphine and heroin. They believe that drugs to inhibit the chemical--called a transporter--could relieve some of the early physical symptoms of withdrawal, such as teeth-chattering, uncontrolled shaking, and jumpiness." Brain Changes in an Addict Make It ...
What Happens To Child Prodigies When They Grow Up?

What Happens To Child Prodigies When They Grow Up?

Science, Tech and Gadgets Children who develop remarkable skills at an early age are often knowns at prodigies, but what happens to these kids once they grow up? Sign Up For The TestTube Newsletter Here ►►►► Can A Brain Injury Make You A Genius? ►►►► Read More: The Myth of Prodigy and Why it Matters “ A study of 200 highly accomplished adults found that just 34 percent had been considered in any way precocious as children.” “We think of precociousness as an early form of adult achievement, and, according to Gladwell, that concept is much of the problem. “What a gifted child is, in many ways, is a gifted learner. And what a gifted adult ...
What Happens To Child Prodigies When They Grow Up?

What Happens To Child Prodigies When They Grow Up?

Science, Tech and Gadgets Children who develop remarkable skills at an early age are often knowns at prodigies, but what happens to these kids once they grow up? Sign Up For The TestTube Newsletter Here ►►►► Can A Brain Injury Make You A Genius? ►►►► Read More: The Myth of Prodigy and Why it Matters “ A study of 200 highly accomplished adults found that just 34 percent had been considered in any way precocious as children.” “We think of precociousness as an early form of adult achievement, and, according to Gladwell, that concept is much of the problem. “What a gifted child is, in many ways, is a gifted learner. And what a gifted adult ...
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