Wednesday, March 12

Gallery owner soaks homeless woman with garden hose in viral video | New York Post

Gallery owner soaks homeless woman with garden hose in viral video | New York Post

The owner of a posh San Francisco art gallery is being showered with scorn after he was nabbed on viral video spraying a homeless woman with a garden hose.

Collier Gwin, the owner of the Foster Gwin Gallery in the California city’s upscale Jackson Square neighborhood, admitted that he hosed down the woman to get her off his sidewalk on Monday.

However, the gallery owner insisted that the whole community has failed her.

“The whole neighborhood is a part of this situation,” Gwin told NBC Bay Area News.

“The police force is a part of this situation. The city and the social services is a part of the situation. There have been repeated attempts to try to help this woman who is psychotic,” he continued.


#caughtoncamera #sanfrancisco #viralvideos

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