Friday, March 14

James Charles DEFENDS Himself & Manny MUA Dating Rumors Ignite!

James Charles DEFENDS Himself & Manny MUA Dating Rumors Ignite!

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It might be a brand new year, but it’s the same ol’ #JamesCharlesIsCancelled party after fans kicked off 2020 with the all-too-familiar Twitter hashtag, making James the first ‘cancelled’ celeb of the decade.

What’s up guys and happy new year! It’s Emile Ennis Jr. back here on Clevver News, and it looks like it’s Twitter: 1, James Charles: 0 after his New Years Eve celebration where he was accused of lip-syncing to a song that contained racial slurs.

In a video James posted to Instagram while out celebrating the New Year, he was singing the lyrics to “My Type” by Saweetie, which included the N-word.

Fans on Instagram swear they can hear James actually sing the exact word, which caused him to respond to a fan who asked about the video post in question.

The fan took to Twitter just hours after the video was posted, to ask, “my guy did u say the n word on ur insta story?”

James quickly got ahold of the tweet and confirmed that he never once sang the word, writing, “no? turn up the volume & listen, I skip over it. how stupid would I have to be to confidently record a video of me singing the n word and still have it up the next morning.”

To be honest, James actually makes a point considering he’s already been involved in his fair share of drama over the past year, so why ask for more?

Twitter weighed in on Wednesday but the responses were pretty divided… on one side, fans were urging James to just delete the video, while others were standing up for James and pointed out the toxicity of ‘cancel culture’.

One user wrote, “I’ve never been a James Charles fan, however I’m not going to be part of the fake woke/cancel culture that likes to drag or make silly accusations on celebrities via social media. Sis didn’t say it and I know he knows the consequences if he did and he definitely wouldn’t post it.”

Other fans were really just sick of people constantly ‘cancelling’ James and then crawling right back to him the second he posts a video.

One Twitter user wrote, “i feel like this is the 100th time this has trended. y’all ended his ass so many times but keep coming back the moment he makes a video shedding his fake tears. y’all some clowns but are we surprised? no.”

Then again, this wouldn’t be the first time James’ name has been slapped on news headlines in recent months.

Just before Christmas, Logan Paul jokingly pulled James into the drama surrounding the alleged sex tape he made, taking to Twitter to write, “james charles ur next,” to which James replied, “Sorry bro I only go for straight guys.”

James also received a bunch of flack for a tweet he posted on New Year’s Eve about straight boy punchlines.

He wrote, “I understand that james charles straight boy punchlines are an easy way to get likes but I’ve had enough of the edited dms and fake dating app conversations. some of y’all are far too ugly to ever get my attention and lying for clout is even uglier.”

So clearly New Year’s Eve wasn’t James’ best day because he was forced to defend himself after yet another tweet was sent to him multiple times.

A TikTok video went viral of James’ $45 hoodie from his Sisters line being sold for $6.99 at Goodwill.

Once James got ahold of the tweet, he took to Twitter to write, “people have been tagging me in this as if I’m supposed to be offended? I already made my money so jokes on you, but more importantly why are you dragging goodwill? maybe it didn’t fit, or they just weren’t a fan anymore?? hopefully someone finds it and gets a great deal!”

But just a day before this all went down, fans have been raising their eyebrows over a video posted by fellow beauty YouTuber MannyMUA, just three days after their karaoke YouTube video.

Well that’s one way to shut it down in the new year!

Ok, so the tea has been served, and before I keep veering farther off topic, let’s go back to James’ most recent scandal — do you think he makes a good point about the video he posted on New Year’s Eve, and are we going to continue to bring cancel culture into the new decade? It looks like the answer to that question is yes.

I want to hear all your thoughts, so get to talking down here in the comments, and then click right over here to check out another new video, and as always, don’t forget to hit that subscribe button and click that bell for all the latest YouTuber news.

Thanks for tuning in, I’m your host Emile Ennis Jr. and I’ll see you next time!

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