Sunday, September 29


Seattle BLM protesters demand white people ‘give up’ their homes | New York Post

Seattle BLM protesters demand white people ‘give up’ their homes | New York Post

News- US A group of Black Lives Matter protesters in Seattle marched through a residential neighborhood this week demanding that white residents give up their homes, dramatic video shows. Footage of the Wednesday demonstration posted to Twitter shows a crowd of dozens chanting “Black lives matter” before an unidentified man projects his ire toward nearby white residents — saying they are living in a historically black section of the city as another woman in the crowd yells that they should “give up” their homes, the clip shows. #Seattle #BLMProtests The New York Post is your source for breaking news, news about New York, sports, business, entertainment, opinion, real estate, culture, fashion, and more. Catch the latest news here: Follow The Ne...
Trump threatens de Blasio with federal intervention after violent weekend | New York Post

Trump threatens de Blasio with federal intervention after violent weekend | New York Post

News- US President Trump has threatened to send the feds to intervene in New York City following the surge in shootings that’s left at least seven people dead and more than 50 wounded in less than a week in the Big Apple. Man fatally shot at gun-violence memorial as shootings rage on “Law and Order. If @NYCMayor can’t do it, we will!” the president tweeted Sunday night, retweeting a tally of the recent bloodbath. Fifty-one victims were shot in 40 separate incidents across the five boroughs from Friday through Sunday, according to NYPD data Monday morning. Seven people were killed. #DonaldTrump #BilldeBlasio The New York Post is your source for breaking news, news about New York, sports, business, entertainment, opinion, real estate, culture, fashion, and more. Ca...

A-level and GCSE results in England to be based on teacher assessments in U-turn

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A-level and GCSE results in England to be based on teacher assessments in U-turn Williamson and Ofqual apologise, scrapping standardisation model after outcryGavin Williamson and Ofqual have apologised to students and their parents, as they announced that all A-level and GCSE results in England will be based on teacher-assessed grades.In a spectacular U-turn, the education secretary announced the government would scrap the controversial standardisation model drawn up by the exams regulator to award grades in lieu of exams. Continue reading... Go to Source

US chickens ‘literally sitting in each other’s waste’ says RSPCA

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US chickens 'literally sitting in each other's waste' says RSPCA Chlorination of hens and use of pig sow stalls among disparities highlighted by charity ahead of post-Brexit trade talksUS hens have half the living space of UK birds and are dipped in chlorinated water after slaughter to kill bacteria growing on them as a result of the birds “literally sitting in each other’s waste”, according to a new video being launched today by the RSPCA.Aiming to highlight the welfare differences between US and UK farm animals as trade talks resume between the two countries in September, the UK’s largest animal welfare charity is taking the unusual step of releasing a video that “exposes the realities of animal welfare” and warns consumers against US dairy, egg and...

A-level results: No 10 hints algorithm will be ditched in England

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A-level results: No 10 hints algorithm will be ditched in England Boris Johnson holds talks with ministers and senior officials after days of political pressureDowning Street has dropped a heavy hint that ministers are preparing to ditch the algorithm used to standardise last week’s A-level results in England after days of intense political pressure.Boris Johnson held a phone call with ministers and senior officials from his holiday in Scotland on Monday morning, his spokesman said. Continue reading... Go to Source

Microplastic particles found in human organs by US scientists

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Microplastic particles found in human organs by US scientists Researchers find pollutants in all samples of lungs, liver, spleen and kidneys examinedMicroplastic and nanoplastic particles have been discovered in human organs for the first time. The researchers found the tiny plastic pieces in all 47 samples of lungs, liver, spleen and kidneys they examined.Microplastic pollution has affected the entire planet, from Arctic snow and Alpine soils to the deepest oceans. The particles can harbour toxic chemicals and harmful microbes and are known to harm some marine creatures. People are also known to consume them via food and water, and to breathe them, But the potential impact on human health is not yet known. Continue reading... Go to Source

‘Resign!’: Alexander Lukashenko heckled by factory workers in Minsk

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'Resign!': Alexander Lukashenko heckled by factory workers in Minsk Embattled Belarus president looked shaken as people yelled ‘liar’ in fresh blow to regime‘We will win’: vast Belarus rally adamant Lukashenko must go Alexander Lukashenko’s grip on power in Belarus has taken a further hit, as workers heckled him during a visit to a factory on the outskirts of Minsk.The visit to the the state-owned MZKT military vehicles factory on Monday was meant to show the Belarusian president was still in control and retained the support of workers at the vast factories that are the backbone of the country’s neo-Soviet economy, a day after the biggest rally in the country’s recent history against his rule. Continue reading... Go to Source

British spy’s account sheds light on role in 1953 Iranian coup

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British spy's account sheds light on role in 1953 Iranian coup Interview given by MI6 officer in 1980s was discovered in research for new documentaryA first-hand account of Britain’s role in the 1953 coup that overthrew the elected prime minister of Iran and restored the shah to power has been published for the first time.The account by the MI6 officer who ran the operation describes how it took British intelligence years to persuade the US to take part in the coup. Meanwhile, MI6 recruited agents and bribed members of Iran’s parliament with banknotes transported in biscuit tins. Continue reading... Go to Source

‘It will be different’: virtual Democratic convention kicks off with emphasis on unity

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‘It will be different’: virtual Democratic convention kicks off with emphasis on unity Four-day event where Biden will formally accept the presidential nomination begins today and will take place from remote locationsThe Democratic national convention begins on Monday with a star-studded lineup and heavy emphasis on unity aimed at presenting Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as the US’s best hope for healing a deeply divided nation reckoning with the parallel crises of a global pandemic and racial injustice. Related: From Oakland to the White House? The rise of Kamala Harris Continue reading... Go to Source

Covid-19 News: Live Updates

News- US
Covid-19 News: Live Updates Students and teachers will be screened for infection even as the nation’s second-largest school district begins instruction remotely. The Democratic National Convention begins today and will be conducted almost entirely online. Go to Source
Mom tortured by dementia is transformed by Fleetwood Mac song, recorded on TikTok | New York Post

Mom tortured by dementia is transformed by Fleetwood Mac song, recorded on TikTok | New York Post

News- US All your life you’ve never seen a woman taken by a Fleetwood Mac song like this. TikTok user Nicole Petrie’s mother, Cheryl, suffers from dementia — but even in her darkest moments of anxiety, Nicole has found she can still be brought joy by familiar music. “My mother has Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD), and when she is having a bad day or moment of confusion, music can almost instantly improve her mood,” Nicole, 25, told Newsflare. The loving daughter — who is also a model and activist — recently documented her ability to bring her mother out of a dark place using music. “Hey Google — play Fleetwood Mac, please. Turn the volume up,” says Nicole while stroking her panicked mother’s hand, in a video she posted to TikTok. The 1975 song “Rhiannon” begins playin...

Boris Johnson urged to intervene as exam results anger escalates

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Boris Johnson urged to intervene as exam results anger escalates Labour calls on PM to cancel planned break as Tory MPs deluged with complaintsBoris Johnson has been urged to get a grip on the exams crisis as Labour and backbench Conservatives united in their criticism of the botched handling of A-level results in England and headteachers came out in favour of a Scotland-style solution using teachers’ assessments.The government’s attempt to placate angry parents and students backfired over the weekend when the exams regulator Ofqual scrapped rules allowing pupils to appeal against their grades using the results of mock exams, hours after the rules had been published and endorsed by ministers. Continue reading... Go to Source
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