Friday, March 14

People standing for national anthem horrifies progressives in viral video: ‘Dangerous situation’

People standing for national anthem horrifies progressives in viral video: ‘Dangerous situation’

The sight of people standing with their hand over their heart for the National Anthem at a Southern California restaurant appeared to shock and horrify TikTok users.

In a viral video posted to the social media platform last week, about a dozen people are shown standing for the Star-Spangled Banner as it plays on a television screen in the bar area of Rainbow Oaks Restaurant in Fallbrook, California.

One TikTok user who was dining at the establishment posted the video with the caption, “By far the most dangerous situation I’ve ever been in.” She used the hashtags #godblessamerica. #getout, #illegal, and #whitepeoplethings afterwards.

The post garnered over 17,000 comments, with many expressing disgust at the patriotic display.

One TikToker revealed she worked at American restaurant Mission BBQ and had to stand for the anthem every day. “I hated it there so much,” she complained. Another agreed saying she hadn’t been back to that restaurant after experiencing the same thing.


#california #tiktok #viralvideos #rainbowoaksrestaurant

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