Monday, March 31

Shawn Mendes Sparks Camila Cabello BREAKUP Rumors After Deleting Video Of Them Kissing!

Shawn Mendes Sparks Camila Cabello BREAKUP Rumors After Deleting Video Of Them Kissing!

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In 2019, there are a few tell tale signs that a relationship is over. They change their relationship status on Facebook. They start retweeting memes about being single. And they go and delete all the photos of them and their significant other on Instagram.

And it looks like in this case Shawn and Camila might have skipped the first two steps. But I’m not fully convinced that the signs lead to 2019’s most visible couple breaking up quite yet. What’s up y’all, it’s Emile Ennis Jr here with Clevver News.

People are assuming that Shawn and Camila have officially called it quits after he appears to have deleted THAT video of him smashing faces with his girlfriend. Sorry, but I have to show it again… because it was beyond umm intimate!Okay okay I’m done. I just couldn’t help myself. But take it all in, because you won’t be able to find it on his instagram anymore.

It was his most liked post to date, and just like that it vanished without a trace.Which has got people wondering, why?Well, I’ve got some theories to tell you about.The first, and definitely the most scandalous, is that the two have called it quits.

I mean, there were rumors that the two were in a “fake relationship” to begin with. Something that was crafted by their publicists to get their recent collaboration “Senorita” to number 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart.And they were successful in that feat! For a week, at least, before Lizzo knocked them off with Truth Hurts.We have been seeing far fewer PDA paparazzi pics from them lately, too. So now that they did what they have to do, people think that they’re slowly but surely cutting ties with each other after 3 months of dating. But here’s why I think that’s not necessarily true.

Reason number 1: Camila double downed on how much she loves Shawn like two weeks ago.She did an interview with UK’s Capital FM’s Breakfast Radio Show where she professed her love for Shawn.And I don’t see why she would say that she loves him publicly, only for the second time ever, just a few weeks before they break up.

I mean, they tried to keep their relationship under wraps for a little while. Neither of them ever actually confirmed that they were in a relationship. In an interview with Elle Magazine, she said “we are going to live our own lives, enjoy it, and fall for each other like nobody is watching. That is how I want to live. I never want to open the door for people to feel like they are involved. Like I said, I want it to be mine and his. That’s why I’m so tight-lipped about it: because I want to protect it”
So why would they both get so open and vulnerable about their relationship just before they decide to call it quits?

Well, reason 2 why I don’t think they broke up is because the ONLY thing that Shawn deleted from his instagram was that one video. There are still plenty of photos of the couple still left up on both of their instagram accounts. Sure, Shawn hasn’t posted with her in a while. But they’re both busy with their own careers. Camila is promoting her new singles that she’s put out over the past month.Plus, though they haven’t posted with each other, they’re still both being flirty with each other in the comments.

She also just performed on SNL, which is a big deal for her! And Shawn is on tour in Asia right now, where he’s been since September. Which brings me to reason 3 why I think that they didn’t break up.If Shawn is in Asia, he would have had to break up with Camila OVER THE PHONE. And I really don’t think that’s his style. I mean, he’s not 18 year old Joe Jonas breaking up with Taylor Swift via phone call.

Shawn seems emotionally mature enough to break up with someone in person. Same goes for Camila. I mean, it would be seriously messed up if they did each other dirty like that. So, if they didn’t actually call it quits why would Shawn delete that video? Especially if it’s the most liked post on his Instagram?

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