Monday, March 31

Sneaky 3-year-old pretends to clean her room but is really on iPad

This sneaky little three-year-old, Mila, in San Bernandino, California, thinks she’s clever when her dad peeks in to make sure she’s cleaning her room, and she quickly grabs a bucket to pretend that she is on March 11.

Soon after her dad leaves, she goes back to her Ipad, ignoring her messy room.

Later, she takes a quick potty break when her dad sneaks back in to hide her Ipad under her pillow. She comes back and gets confused. Where did her Ipad go? Her parents figured she’d find the Ipad if she actually cleans her room.

In searching for her Ipad, Mila notices the hidden camera. She grabs the camera and says, “who put this here? This doesn’t belong here.”

Her parents then convinced her its an air refresher to make her room smell good, and she replies, “but my room already smells good!”

So she puts it back where she found it with a worried face thinking she lost her Ipad.

Mila is now four-years-old, the video was captured when she was three.

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