Saturday, March 15

Science, Tech and Gadgets

Peak Design’s Travel Tripod Just Earned a Permanent Spot in My Camera Bag

Peak Design’s Travel Tripod Just Earned a Permanent Spot in My Camera Bag

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Peak Design's Travel Tripod Just Earned a Permanent Spot in My Camera Bag When it comes to traveling and trying to pack light, I always seem to run into a dilemma: cram the tripod in my bag or leave it at home. Ideally, I’d always want a tripod around for taking things like landscape shots or long exposures, but the bulky nature of most tripods usually means it’s the last item that gets cut…Read more... Go to Source
5 Binge-Worthy TV Shows You Can Make Workout Games Out Of

5 Binge-Worthy TV Shows You Can Make Workout Games Out Of

Science, Tech and Gadgets
5 Binge-Worthy TV Shows You Can Make Workout Games Out Of Social distancing is affecting our bodies just as much as our minds. Without the ability to hit the gym or go to an exercise class, our physical routines have been upended. You might be substituting extra sessions of your favorite shows, or trying something new. Why not try a little workout while you watch?Read more... Go to Source
Boris Johnson Moved to ICU and Given Oxygen After Coronavirus Symptoms Get Worse

Boris Johnson Moved to ICU and Given Oxygen After Coronavirus Symptoms Get Worse

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Boris Johnson Moved to ICU and Given Oxygen After Coronavirus Symptoms Get Worse UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson was moved to the intensive care unit (ICU) of a London hospital Monday night after his symptoms from covid-19 got worse, according to multiple reports out of Britain. Johnson has received oxygen treatment but British government officials insist he has not been placed on a ventilator.Read more... Go to Source
Martin Shkreli Asks for Three Month Prison Furlough, Supposedly to Help Fight Coronavirus

Martin Shkreli Asks for Three Month Prison Furlough, Supposedly to Help Fight Coronavirus

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Martin Shkreli Asks for Three Month Prison Furlough, Supposedly to Help Fight Coronavirus Martin Shkreli, the pharmaceutical executive and possible goblin-kobold hybrid best known for acquiring the rights to and jacking up the price of HIV drug Daraprim before scoring seven years in a cell for securities fraud, is trying to get out of prison by claiming he might be of use in the fight against the novel…Read more... Go to Source
Board Games Are Having A Bad Time

Board Games Are Having A Bad Time

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Board Games Are Having A Bad Time As we’re only now starting to see in video games, with The Last Of Us 2 being the most high profile casualty (so far), global Covid-19 lockdowns are wreaking absolute havoc on the ability of companies to make and sell games. But if you think it’s bad for video games, spare a thought for anyone involved in board games.Read more... Go to Source
Conservative-Dominated Courts Kill Wisconsin Election Delay, Absentee Voting Extension

Conservative-Dominated Courts Kill Wisconsin Election Delay, Absentee Voting Extension

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Conservative-Dominated Courts Kill Wisconsin Election Delay, Absentee Voting Extension The Wisconsin state Supreme Court on Monday blocked Democratic Governor Tony Evers’ last-ditch effort to halt primary elections on Tuesday, ensuring that in-person voting will commence tomorrow despite the coronavirus pandemic. Meanwhile, the U.S. Supreme Court shot down extended absentee voting deadlines in a…Read more... Go to Source
Star Trek: The Original Series’ Must-Watch Episodes

Star Trek: The Original Series’ Must-Watch Episodes

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Star Trek: The Original Series’ Must-Watch Episodes Star Trek. It’s one of the most quintessential pieces of science-fiction television around. And there’s a whole damn lot of it, even if you cut it down to the current eight different shows in the franchise (there’s even more on the way!). Want to start, but need a little guidance? We’ve beamed up to help you.Read more... Go to Source
New Streaming Service Quibi Accused of Ripping Off ‘Everything Is Terrible!’

New Streaming Service Quibi Accused of Ripping Off ‘Everything Is Terrible!’

Science, Tech and Gadgets
New Streaming Service Quibi Accused of Ripping Off ‘Everything Is Terrible!’ If new streaming service Quibi’s show “Memory Hole” looks familiar to you, you’re not alone. According to the video and performance collective Everything Is Terrible (EIT!), which has been around since 2007, Quibi’s show bears more than a coincidental resemblance to its 2014 show by the same name. In a tweet earlier…Read more... Go to Source
FCC Says It Won’t Crack Down on Media’s Fake Coronavirus Medical Advice

FCC Says It Won’t Crack Down on Media’s Fake Coronavirus Medical Advice

Science, Tech and Gadgets
FCC Says It Won't Crack Down on Media's Fake Coronavirus Medical Advice The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) on Monday said it would not be taking any special steps to police the circulation of medical advice related to coronavirus outbreak by on-air media personalities who’ve touted unproven treatments and downplayed the virus by comparing it to the “common cold.”Read more... Go to Source
How to Make a Face Mask From a T-Shirt or Coffee Filter and Bandanna

How to Make a Face Mask From a T-Shirt or Coffee Filter and Bandanna

Science, Tech and Gadgets
How to Make a Face Mask From a T-Shirt or Coffee Filter and Bandanna Following new guidance issued last week by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that people in the U.S. wear masks in public settings to mitigate the spread of covid-19 between individuals who may be asymptomatic—and as available masks are desperately needed by health workers on the front lines of the global…Read more... Go to Source
Science, Tech and Gadgets
The A.V. Club The best TV comedies on Netflix  |Kotaku The Best Couch Co-Op Games When You're Stuck At Home With People  |Lifehacker How to Make Sure You Get Your Coronavirus Relief Money, Even If You Don't Need to File Taxes  |Gizmodo 10 Apocalypse Movies to Watch With Happy (or at Least Not Totally Depressing) Endings  |Jezebel Who Should Take Care of Kids When Parents Are Too Sick With Coronavirus?  |Read more... Go to Source
Final Fantasy VII Remake’s Female Heroes Tell Us About Being Part of a Defining Piece of Pop Culture History

Final Fantasy VII Remake’s Female Heroes Tell Us About Being Part of a Defining Piece of Pop Culture History

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Final Fantasy VII Remake's Female Heroes Tell Us About Being Part of a Defining Piece of Pop Culture History For many video game fans of a certain age, the world changed 23 years ago when Final Fantasy VII was released on the PlayStation. Its impact on games and the culture around them is burned into the hearts and minds of millions, and it’s about to explode this week with the release of Final Fantasy VII Remake. It’s an…Read more... Go to Source
NYC Bans Zoom in Classrooms Following Porn ‘Zoombombings’ and Security Failures

NYC Bans Zoom in Classrooms Following Porn ‘Zoombombings’ and Security Failures

Science, Tech and Gadgets
NYC Bans Zoom in Classrooms Following Porn 'Zoombombings' and Security Failures As reports of security issues surrounding the video conferencing app Zoom continue to mount and accounts of video “bombing” grow increasingly disturbing, New York City has taken the extraordinary measure of banning the service from the city’s classrooms. New York City Mayor de Blasio said this week that the city was…Read more... Go to Source
Bose Lets Users Downgrade QC35 Firmware After Months of Complaints

Bose Lets Users Downgrade QC35 Firmware After Months of Complaints

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Bose Lets Users Downgrade QC35 Firmware After Months of Complaints After Bose released updated firmware for its QC35 II headphones last year, users complained on the company’s forums that the headphone’s active noise cancellation had gotten a worse. Now, the number of complaints has ballooned to fill more than 200 pages in the forum, and even though Bose says its software isn’t the…Read more... Go to Source
Radiation Around Chernobyl Is 16 Times Higher Than Normal After Forest Fires

Radiation Around Chernobyl Is 16 Times Higher Than Normal After Forest Fires

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Radiation Around Chernobyl Is 16 Times Higher Than Normal After Forest Fires Fighting forest fires inside Chernobyl’s dreaded exclusion zone sounds awful, but that’s exactly what nearly 150 emergency responders had to contend with this past weekend, as a pair of blazes broke out near the site of the world’s worst nuclear disaster.Read more... Go to Source
Pat Robertson Didn’t Actually Blame America’s Coronavirus Crisis on Oral Sex

Pat Robertson Didn’t Actually Blame America’s Coronavirus Crisis on Oral Sex

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Pat Robertson Didn't Actually Blame America's Coronavirus Crisis on Oral Sex There’s a new quote from Pat Robertson circulating on social media that supposedly shows the far-right pastor blaming the coronavirus pandemic on oral sex. Robertson is quoted as saying, “Some of these young uns are doing all kinds of unnatural things with their sex organs.” Admittedly, it sounds like something…Read more... Go to Source
The Andrew Cuomo Nipple Mystery, One of the Toughest Jobs on Earth and Humanity’s Origin Story: Best Gizmodo Stories of the Week

The Andrew Cuomo Nipple Mystery, One of the Toughest Jobs on Earth and Humanity’s Origin Story: Best Gizmodo Stories of the Week

Science, Tech and Gadgets
The Andrew Cuomo Nipple Mystery, One of the Toughest Jobs on Earth and Humanity’s Origin Story: Best Gizmodo Stories of the Week As I write this, I realize that most of you are probably staying at home, like me. First of all, hang in here. This is a long and difficult fight, but I have no doubt we will get through it. Today I must confess that I had lots of help from a bag of little chocolate bars, along with the kind online company of…Read more... Go to Source
Fired U.S. Navy Captain Who Fought To Get Sailors Off Carrier Tests Positive for Covid-19: Report

Fired U.S. Navy Captain Who Fought To Get Sailors Off Carrier Tests Positive for Covid-19: Report

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Fired U.S. Navy Captain Who Fought To Get Sailors Off Carrier Tests Positive for Covid-19: Report U.S. Navy Captain Brett Crozier, who was fired this week after sending a letter requesting assistance for sailors on the USS Theodore Roosevelt nuclear powered aircraft carrier, has tested positive for covid-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus. Read more... Go to Source
UK Authorities Turn to Social Media Platforms for Help Squashing Dangerous Coronavirus 5G Hoax

UK Authorities Turn to Social Media Platforms for Help Squashing Dangerous Coronavirus 5G Hoax

Science, Tech and Gadgets
UK Authorities Turn to Social Media Platforms for Help Squashing Dangerous Coronavirus 5G Hoax Several cellphone towers across the UK went up in flames this week after a bogus conspiracy theory linking the pandemic to the rollout of 5G began to pick up traction online. This string of arson attacks, as well as widespread reports of related physical and verbal threats directed at broadband engineers, has…Read more... Go to Source
Watch This Sweet Short Film About an Unemployed Special Effect

Watch This Sweet Short Film About an Unemployed Special Effect

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Watch This Sweet Short Film About an Unemployed Special Effect Practical effects used to be the only way of doing things. If you wanted a cool image on screen, you had to build it and figure out how to film it. Now, computers make that work, well, not easier, but different. If you were an old special effect, it would be a rough adjustment.Read more... Go to Source
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