Saturday, March 15

Science, Tech and Gadgets

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Jalopnik Tesla Remotely Removes Autopilot Features From Customer's Used Tesla Without Any Notice  |Jezebel Ted Bundy: Falling for a Killer Renders the Women Three-Dimensional  |The Root Watch: Nancy Pelosi Dry Snitches on Trump’s Alleged Drug Use  |The A.V. Club What will win, and what should win, at the 2020 Oscars  |Read more... Go to Source
China Orders Mandatory Coronavirus Checks in Wuhan and All Infected Moved to Quarantine Camps

China Orders Mandatory Coronavirus Checks in Wuhan and All Infected Moved to Quarantine Camps

Science, Tech and Gadgets
China Orders Mandatory Coronavirus Checks in Wuhan and All Infected Moved to Quarantine Camps Chinese authorities have reportedly imposed mandatory temperature checks for all residents in Wuhan, the Hubei province city at the center of the ongoing coronavirus outbreak, and plan to move all infected into quarantine facilities as the death toll continued to rise to 563 and the number of confirmed cases rose to…Read more... Go to Source
Netflix’s Spooky Locke & Key Is What Happens When You Reimagine Modern Fairy Tales

Netflix’s Spooky Locke & Key Is What Happens When You Reimagine Modern Fairy Tales

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Netflix's Spooky Locke & Key Is What Happens When You Reimagine Modern Fairy Tales The fact that Netflix’s adaptation of Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodríguez’s Locke & Key exists years after multiple failed attempts at bringing a series based on the comic books to different TV networks is a testament to the fact that the story of the Locke family has always been a fascinating one. It’s immediately…Read more... Go to Source
In This Doctor Who Exclusive, One of the 9th Doctor’s Earliest Mysteries Is Investigated

In This Doctor Who Exclusive, One of the 9th Doctor’s Earliest Mysteries Is Investigated

Science, Tech and Gadgets
In This Doctor Who Exclusive, One of the 9th Doctor's Earliest Mysteries Is Investigated Way back in the very first episode of Doctor Who’s revival, alien conspiracy theorist Clive showed Rose Tyler a series of cryptic images—a mysterious man, never aging, but present at all sorts of historic events, from the 1883 eruption of Krakatoa to the Kennedy assassination. Now, a new Big Finish story hopes to tell…Read more... Go to Source
Science, Tech and Gadgets
Jalopnik At $2,400, Is This 1996 Isuzu SUV A Real Super Trooper?  |Jezebel New York Airline Travelers Are Being Punished Because Trump Is Mad About Sanctuary Cities  |The Root Gayle King Asked Lisa Leslie About Kobe Bryant's Rape Case. The Response Revealed How Much Further We Need to Go  |The A.V. Club Harley Quinn gets her groove back in DC’s wildly colorful, surprisingly gory Birds Of Prey  |Read more... Go to Source
Google Maps Is Getting a New Look and Other Upgrades For Its 15th Birthday

Google Maps Is Getting a New Look and Other Upgrades For Its 15th Birthday

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Google Maps Is Getting a New Look and Other Upgrades For Its 15th Birthday It’s tough for most of us to recall what life was like before the invention of Google Maps. Remember printing out your MapQuest directions and trying to read and drive at the same time? Totally safe! For its 15th birthday, Google Maps is getting a fresh look on iOS and Android, along with more information for public…Read more... Go to Source
Forget Superbabies, Superman & Lois Will Feature Superteens Instead

Forget Superbabies, Superman & Lois Will Feature Superteens Instead

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Forget Superbabies, Superman & Lois Will Feature Superteens Instead Sorry if you were looking forward to seeing superpowered baby-raising shenanigans on the CW’s upcoming Superman & Lois spin-off series. The network just announced who’ll be playing the sons of Superman and Lois Lane, and it looks like the show will be leaning into teen drama instead. Well, it is the CW. What did you…Read more... Go to Source
River Song and Captain Jack Are Teaming Up for a Doctor Who Audio Adventure

River Song and Captain Jack Are Teaming Up for a Doctor Who Audio Adventure

Science, Tech and Gadgets
River Song and Captain Jack Are Teaming Up for a Doctor Who Audio Adventure Fresh off his surprise cameo in the latest season of Jodie Whittaker’s Doctor Who, Captain Jack Harkness is heading out on a new voyage in the latest audio adventure series from Big Finish. Anybody who’s eager for a certain Doctor Who pairing will be in luck because guess who’s coming aboard? “Hello, sweetie.”Read more... Go to Source
NYPD to Launch a Totally Reliable iOS App to Log Police Activity That Will Definitely Work as Intended

NYPD to Launch a Totally Reliable iOS App to Log Police Activity That Will Definitely Work as Intended

Science, Tech and Gadgets
NYPD to Launch a Totally Reliable iOS App to Log Police Activity That Will Definitely Work as Intended The New York Police Department is replacing the memo books used by over 30,000 officers to track everything from patrol assignments and 911 calls to arrest records with an iOS app, the New York Times reported on Wednesday.Read more... Go to Source
Sam Raimi May Be Taking Over Doctor Strange 2

Sam Raimi May Be Taking Over Doctor Strange 2

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Sam Raimi May Be Taking Over Doctor Strange 2 One of the fathers of the modern comic book film may be making his triumphant return to the Marvel universe. Sam Raimi, who directed Sony’s first Spider-Man trilogy, is reportedly in talks to replace Scott Derrickson in the director’s chair for Doctor Strange: In the Multiverse of Madness. Variety first reported the…Read more... Go to Source
Comet 67P Repeatedly Changed Color During the Historic Rosetta Mission

Comet 67P Repeatedly Changed Color During the Historic Rosetta Mission

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Comet 67P Repeatedly Changed Color During the Historic Rosetta Mission A review of data taken over the course of the two-year Rosetta mission shows that comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko was sometimes reddish in appearance, while at other times it assumed a bluish hue. Sounds weird, but scientists have come up with a sensible explanation that doesn’t involve aliens with paint guns. Read more... Go to Source
Science, Tech and Gadgets
Jalopnik I Hauled My Kid Around In Five Different Minivans: Here's What I Learned  |Jezebel And the Medal of Freedom Winner Is: Men's Feelings  |The Root Books in Blackface: Barnes & Noble Celebrates Black History Month by Showcasing White Books  |The A.V. Club David Letterman unpacks bizarre Quentin Tarantino feud during delightful Desus & Mero interview  |Read more... Go to Source
Birds of Prey Is a Colorful, Explosive Comic Book Extravaganza

Birds of Prey Is a Colorful, Explosive Comic Book Extravaganza

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Birds of Prey Is a Colorful, Explosive Comic Book Extravaganza Birds of Prey is not a Suicide Squad sequel. It is not DC and Warner Bros.’ follow up to Joker. It’s really not even particularly a comic book superhero movie, outside of the fact that it stars comic characters. Hell, depending on your point of view, whether or not it’s a Birds of Prey movie might be an argument. But…Read more... Go to Source
Beneath the Arctic’s Sea Ice, Robots Are Illuminating a Mysterious World

Beneath the Arctic’s Sea Ice, Robots Are Illuminating a Mysterious World

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Beneath the Arctic's Sea Ice, Robots Are Illuminating a Mysterious World Less than 200 miles from the North Pole in the middle of the Arctic Ocean, the German icebreaker Polarstern sits frozen into the ice and shrouded in darkness. Several times a week, a handful of crew members venture forth from the relative safety and warmth of their vessel into a realm of bone-chilling temperatures,…Read more... Go to Source
Charge All Your Devices For Cheap With Today’s RAVPower Gold Box

Charge All Your Devices For Cheap With Today’s RAVPower Gold Box

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Charge All Your Devices For Cheap With Today's RAVPower Gold Box RAVPower Charger Gold Box | Amazon If you’re tired of your phone and all the other devices you own just dying on you, you should probably stack up on RAVPower Portable chargers and accessories since they’re up to 30% off. Prices start at $12, but just remember that Gold Box deals only last for the day and can sell out…Read more... Go to Source
Science, Tech and Gadgets
Jalopnik At $11,500, Could This Turbocharged 2000 Honda CR-V Be A Real BFD?  |Jezebel Things Seem to Be a Little Icy Between Pelosi & Trump, for Some Reason  |The Root Black History Month Is for White People  |The A.V. Club Happy 10th anniversary to Undercover Boss, the most reprehensible propaganda on TV  |Read more... Go to Source
‘We Feel Really Terrible About That,’ CEO of Firm Behind App That Ruined Iowa Caucuses Says

‘We Feel Really Terrible About That,’ CEO of Firm Behind App That Ruined Iowa Caucuses Says

Science, Tech and Gadgets
'We Feel Really Terrible About That,' CEO of Firm Behind App That Ruined Iowa Caucuses Says CEO Gerard Niemira of Shadow Inc., the developers of the unfortunately named election app that caused Monday’s Democratic presidential caucus in Iowa to turn into a much bigger shitshow than it usually is, told Bloomberg on Tuesday night that he’s really sorry about all that. But he argued that the app was actually…Read more... Go to Source
Disney+ Reveals When The Mandalorian Will Return and When Marvel Will Arrive

Disney+ Reveals When The Mandalorian Will Return and When Marvel Will Arrive

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Disney+ Reveals When The Mandalorian Will Return and When Marvel Will Arrive When the summer movie season ends this year, Disney+ heats up. Disney CEO Bob Iger announced today that Marvel Studios’ first streaming show, The Falcon and Winter Soldier, will debut in August. It’ll be followed by season two of The Mandalorian in October, and WandaVision in December.Read more... Go to Source
Alleged CIA Leaker Joshua Schulte Was Made Scapegoat for Being ‘a Pain in the Ass,’ Defense Argues

Alleged CIA Leaker Joshua Schulte Was Made Scapegoat for Being ‘a Pain in the Ass,’ Defense Argues

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Alleged CIA Leaker Joshua Schulte Was Made Scapegoat for Being 'a Pain in the Ass,' Defense Argues Defense lawyers for former CIA software engineer Joshua Adam Schulte say that the CIA and federal prosecutors don’t actually know for certain who was behind a 2017 leak of cyber espionage documents, let alone whether it was their client, the Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday. Instead, they said he really pissed…Read more... Go to Source
CEO of Creepy Face Recognition Firm Clearview AI Says He Has First Amendment Right to Billions of Photos

CEO of Creepy Face Recognition Firm Clearview AI Says He Has First Amendment Right to Billions of Photos

Science, Tech and Gadgets
CEO of Creepy Face Recognition Firm Clearview AI Says He Has First Amendment Right to Billions of Photos Hoan Ton-That, the CEO and founder of a face recognition company that he freely admits could help lead to a surveillance “nightmare” and a “dystopian future or something,” says he has a First Amendment right to scrape whatever images he damn well pleases off public websites like Twitter to pad out his company’s…Read more... Go to Source
How Birds of Prey Stands Out in DC’s Post-Wonder Woman World

How Birds of Prey Stands Out in DC’s Post-Wonder Woman World

Science, Tech and Gadgets
How Birds of Prey Stands Out in DC's Post-Wonder Woman World Margot Robbie has been hoping to get a movie like Birds of Prey on screen for years—and this Friday, that dream will finally be achieved. But in the time since Birds of Prey first became an idea over at DC, the superhero cinema landscape has slowly but surely begun to change. From Wonder Woman to Captain Marvel,…Read more... Go to Source
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