Tuesday, March 18

Science, Tech and Gadgets

What If the Universe Was Just an Illusion?

What If the Universe Was Just an Illusion?

Science, Tech and Gadgets
http://youtu.be/tsU9nKT5RRA What if the Universe is an illusion? What if your reality is not what it seems to be? What if you are you're just a 2D projection stretched on the surface of a black hole? And what does a black hole have to do with all this? I know what you think. This isn't real. How can we live in a hologram if everything around us is three-dimensional? Transcript and sources: https://insh.world/science/what-if-you-lived-inside-a-hologram/ Watch more what-if scenarios: Planet Earth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-HhCwYD7rc&list=PLZdXRHYAVxTJCzxwmCq0NNpYq9N9wyb2l The Cosmos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfuJyVkMH_g&list=PLZdXRHYAVxTJno6oFF9nLGuwXNGYHmE8U Technology: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CS3bBO05fpU&list=PLZdXRHYAVxTIeRY3JtgXgoGqSEB7kDdKO Your Bo...
What If We Built Vertical Farms?

What If We Built Vertical Farms?

Science, Tech and Gadgets
http://youtu.be/jeN2ynwny6A As our population grows, we're going to need a lot more farms to feed the planet. Yet, in a lot of places, farming is almost impossible. And much of the land we can use for farming is disappearing. With so many farms on land, could we build farms vertically to save space? Maybe it’s time to grow ... up? Where do we need vertical farms? What would it take to build them? How could they help to save the planet? Transcript and source: https://whatifshow.com/what-if-we-built-vertical-farms/ Subscribe to the brand-new What If Discussed podcast: http://bit.ly/yt-what-if-show-podcast Take a deeper dive into What If episodes with the help from the world's top thinkers in science. Join our Patreon community and help make What If better: http://bit.ly/whatif-patreon ...
What Happens If You Put Your Head Into a Particle Accelerator?

What Happens If You Put Your Head Into a Particle Accelerator?

Science, Tech and Gadgets
http://youtu.be/dA1LH_Jwmro A particle accelerator is not some kind of evil super villain torture device. A particle accelerator is used for health, safety, discovery, and for learning more about our universe. You can't see what it does, but you can feel it. The question is, can you survive its effects? Chances are you've probably already been exposed to accelerated particles before! So how do you feel? Transcript and sources: https://whatifshow.com/what-happens-if-you-put-your-head-into-a-particle-accelerator/ Sign up for our What If Explorers Club weekly newsletter for exclusives & giveaways: http://bit.ly/what-if-explorers-yt Join our Patreon community and help make What If better: http://bit.ly/whatif-patreon Can you translate this episode into another language? Add subtitles ...
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