Sunday, March 16

Science, Tech and Gadgets

Big Pharma Money Really Does Influence What Doctors Prescribe, Report Finds

Big Pharma Money Really Does Influence What Doctors Prescribe, Report Finds

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Big Pharma Money Really Does Influence What Doctors Prescribe, Report Finds A new ProPublica report out Friday confirms what many people already suspect about Big Pharma’s influence on health care: Doctors who get money from a pharmaceutical company related to a specific brand name drug are more likely to prescribe that same, often expensive drug to their patients.Read more... Go to Source
In a New Look at Star Trek: Picard, Jean-Luc’s a Man on a Mission

In a New Look at Star Trek: Picard, Jean-Luc’s a Man on a Mission

Science, Tech and Gadgets
In a New Look at Star Trek: Picard, Jean-Luc's a Man on a Mission We might be just over a month away from Star Trek: Picard, but now we can while away the wait with a short, but oh so sweet new look at the series—one that gives us tiny new hits at the familiar threats Jean-Luc Picard faces in his latest mission, as well as a reminder of the past that haunts him.Read more... Go to Source
Flickr Could Be In Serious Trouble

Flickr Could Be In Serious Trouble

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Flickr Could Be In Serious Trouble Flickr, where we could live free if only we were willing to pay for it, may be on its last leg (again). On Thursday, TechCrunch reports, Flickr’s relatively new owner SmugMug has sent out an appeal to paying subscribers to tell their friends, bluntly describing Flickr as: “the world’s most-beloved, money-losing…Read more... Go to Source
Native Hawaiians Scored a Major Victory in the Fight Over the Thirty Meter Telescope

Native Hawaiians Scored a Major Victory in the Fight Over the Thirty Meter Telescope

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Native Hawaiians Scored a Major Victory in the Fight Over the Thirty Meter Telescope Many Native Hawaiians have been protesting the construction of the proposed Thirty Meter Telescope atop sacred Mauna Kea for months. They scored a victory on Thursday when Hawaii Governor David Ige announced that construction efforts were hitting pause.Read more... Go to Source
MIT Engineers Create Laser Ultrasounds That Can Look Inside Your Body Without You Even Feeling It

MIT Engineers Create Laser Ultrasounds That Can Look Inside Your Body Without You Even Feeling It

Science, Tech and Gadgets
MIT Engineers Create Laser Ultrasounds That Can Look Inside Your Body Without You Even Feeling It Engineers at MIT have come up with a new approach to medical imaging that is both non-invasive and hands-off the patient. Using lasers, they can peer beneath the surface of the skin without any physical contact required, improving upon the limitations of equipment like ultrasound machines.Read more... Go to Source
Netflix Autoplays the Murder of Kittens to Angry Subscribers

Netflix Autoplays the Murder of Kittens to Angry Subscribers

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Netflix Autoplays the Murder of Kittens to Angry Subscribers At a time when its seat as top U.S. streaming service has never been more precarious, the fact that Netflix would decide now to push out a docuseries about a creep who tortures and murders kittens among other horrifying acts is . . . a choice. But one I can at least wrap my head around. What I fail to understand,…Read more... Go to Source
Ransomware Goons Had a Great 2019, With At Least 948 Reported Attacks

Ransomware Goons Had a Great 2019, With At Least 948 Reported Attacks

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Ransomware Goons Had a Great 2019, With At Least 948 Reported Attacks Ransomware operators are closing out a year of extorting local governments, hospitals, and schools across the country with a bang, with at least four more U.S. cities falling victim to sophisticated scams this month alone and a recent report tallying the total number of incidents at nearly a thousand.Read more... Go to Source
Ring Sure Does Have a Lot of Password Leaks That Are Entirely Your Fault

Ring Sure Does Have a Lot of Password Leaks That Are Entirely Your Fault

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Ring Sure Does Have a Lot of Password Leaks That Are Entirely Your Fault One of Ring’s stated goals is to “reduce crime in neighborhoods by connecting people.” What customers didn’t expect is that those people would be criminals who’d be spying on them in their homes, occasionally yelling racist or threatening things at their children.Read more... Go to Source
The Jedi That Fucked

The Jedi That Fucked

Science, Tech and Gadgets
The Jedi That Fucked The Jedi Order has long been an establishment of hypocrisy. It’s what led to its undoing across generations of its existence multiple times. Its hubris is what brings about the fall of Anakin Skywalker and its destruction in the Star Wars movies. One such hypocrisy? Those infamously loveless warrior monks sure did…Read more... Go to Source
It’s Official: ‘Freedom Gas’ Is the Worst Phrase of the Year

It’s Official: ‘Freedom Gas’ Is the Worst Phrase of the Year

Science, Tech and Gadgets
It's Official: 'Freedom Gas' Is the Worst Phrase of the Year The Trump administration has plumbed the depths of the English language from the president’s recent large turd obsession to an advisor who compared the “demonization of carbon dioxide” to the Holocaust to Ryan Zinke telling a protestor, “I’d like to see your child fight for energy” (which weird flex but okay). Truly,…Read more... Go to Source
Carbon Dioxide Could Make it Harder to Think

Carbon Dioxide Could Make it Harder to Think

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Carbon Dioxide Could Make it Harder to Think Climate change is ruining our air quality and contributing to a public health catastrophe. But there’s more. Researchers are warning in a new paper that the very greenhouse gas that’s driving most of our global warming—yes, carbon dioxide—is also diminishing indoor air quality. And it may be messing with our ability…Read more... Go to Source
The Decade Fandom Went Corporate

The Decade Fandom Went Corporate

Science, Tech and Gadgets
The Decade Fandom Went Corporate In the last twenty years, fandom and mass culture have basically merged. Fans and fandom spent the 2000s fighting for legitimacy and proving their combined worth. And corporations? Well, they spent the 2010s learning how to co-opt fandom to silence critics, manipulate press, and make even more money.Read more... Go to Source
Why It’s Taken So Long to Make the Avatar Sequels, According to James Cameron

Why It’s Taken So Long to Make the Avatar Sequels, According to James Cameron

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Why It's Taken So Long to Make the Avatar Sequels, According to James Cameron Today, December 18, 2019, is the 10th anniversary of Avatar. You remember Avatar—the second highest-grossing movie in the history of movies, which the majority of filmgoers have long since forgotten about? Right, that one. The one with the blue people. Ten years have passed without a sequel, we’re still two years away…Read more... Go to Source
As He’s Impeached, Trump Denies to Rally-Goers That He Always Has to Flush the Toilet 10 Times

As He’s Impeached, Trump Denies to Rally-Goers That He Always Has to Flush the Toilet 10 Times

Science, Tech and Gadgets
As He's Impeached, Trump Denies to Rally-Goers That He Always Has to Flush the Toilet 10 Times As the House of Representatives voted 230-197 and 229-198 on mostly party lines to impeach Donald Trump on charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress on Wednesday night, Trump spent a good stretch of a rally in Battle Creek, Michigan waging his ongoing feud against water-conserving bathroom fixtures.Read more... Go to Source
How Long Can You Listen to Devin Nunes Saying ‘Nude Photos of President Trump’ Before You Die?

How Long Can You Listen to Devin Nunes Saying ‘Nude Photos of President Trump’ Before You Die?

Science, Tech and Gadgets
How Long Can You Listen to Devin Nunes Saying 'Nude Photos of President Trump' Before You Die? During Congressman Devin Nunes’s opening statement at Thursday’s impeachment hearing, he misleadingly called out Democrats, claiming that they tried to obtain nude photos of the President from Russians posing as Ukranians. Representative Adam Schiff, who took the call where pranksters offered such materials in 2017,…Read more... Go to Source
CEOwned: Jack Dorsey Just UNFOLLOWED Mark Zuckerberg

CEOwned: Jack Dorsey Just UNFOLLOWED Mark Zuckerberg

Science, Tech and Gadgets
CEOwned: Jack Dorsey Just UNFOLLOWED Mark Zuckerberg Jack Dorsey is sitting, plotting, thinking about how much he hates his enemy Mark Zuckerberg for reasons unclear to the public but apparently very clear and ever-present in Jack Dorsey’s mind. Mark Zuckerberg was doing other stuff today, possibly work, probably thinking about bigger-picture nefarious schemes like…Read more... Go to Source
Streaming Movie Service That Costs $2,500-a-Flick Struggles to Find Enough Plutocrats

Streaming Movie Service That Costs $2,500-a-Flick Struggles to Find Enough Plutocrats

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Streaming Movie Service That Costs $2,500-a-Flick Struggles to Find Enough Plutocrats Members of the jet-set who are too good to mix with the filthy hoi polloi can now pay a $15,000 fee and $2,500 per movie to skip the local Alamo Drafthouse and watch first-run films in the comfort of their gilded estates via Red Carpet Home Cinema, which launched in October. Its reverse-Moviepass business model is not…Read more... Go to Source


Science, Tech and Gadgets
Squallmagedon I was sitting in a meeting around 3 p.m. when everyone’s phones began buzzing simultaneously. Alerts rang out all around G/O Media’s offices as the National Weather Service blasted out a snow squall warning.Read more... Go to Source
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