Sunday, March 16

Science, Tech and Gadgets

The Best Illusions of the Year Will Have You Further Questioning the Reality You Live In

The Best Illusions of the Year Will Have You Further Questioning the Reality You Live In

Science, Tech and Gadgets
The Best Illusions of the Year Will Have You Further Questioning the Reality You Live In It’s hard not to look at the news every day and wonder if your life has somehow forked into an alternate reality or dimension than the one you were familiar with. Not helping the matter are the recently revealed best illusions of the year, including Frank Force’s winning Dual Axis Illusion which can look like it’s…Read more... Go to Source
Water Cooling is DEAD. Meet the THERMOSIPHON!

Water Cooling is DEAD. Meet the THERMOSIPHON!

Science, Tech and Gadgets Sign up for Skillshare today: and get a 2-month free trial, big thanks to Skillshare for sponsoring this video! Save 10% and Free Worldwide Shipping at Ridge Wallets by using offer code LINUS at The startup IceGiant is trying to change the computer cooling landscape – and according to our testing they’re off to a good start. Pre-Order the ProSiphon Elite: Discuss on the forum: Our Affiliates, Referral Programs, and Sponsors: Get a Displate Metal Print at Get a 30-day free trial of Amazon Prime at Linus Tech Tips m...
North American Birds Are Migrating Earlier Because of Climate Change

North American Birds Are Migrating Earlier Because of Climate Change

Science, Tech and Gadgets
North American Birds Are Migrating Earlier Because of Climate Change Every autumn as temperatures drop and insect populations decline, billions of birds migrate across the U.S. in search of warmer nesting temperatures and more food availability—both extremely good answers to seasonal depression. In the spring, the birds fly back to mate.Read more... Go to Source
Erdogan Threatens to Shut Down U.S. Military Base in Turkey Believed to Hold 50 Nuclear Bombs

Erdogan Threatens to Shut Down U.S. Military Base in Turkey Believed to Hold 50 Nuclear Bombs

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Erdogan Threatens to Shut Down U.S. Military Base in Turkey Believed to Hold 50 Nuclear Bombs Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has threatened to close down two U.S. military bases in Turkey if sanctions against the country are approved by President Donald Trump. One of the U.S. bases, known as Incirlik, is believed to house roughly 50 nuclear bombs.Read more... Go to Source
Ring Camera Hacks, Viral Fakes, and Decade Highlights: Best Gizmodo Stories of the Week

Ring Camera Hacks, Viral Fakes, and Decade Highlights: Best Gizmodo Stories of the Week

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Ring Camera Hacks, Viral Fakes, and Decade Highlights: Best Gizmodo Stories of the Week December always goes by too fast in my opinion. One moment, it’s the first and I have all the time in the world to scope out Christmas presents, and the next moment I’m in a mad dash to slap a bow and some wrapping paper on whatever last-minute gift I managed to grab that morning as I rush out the door to…Read more... Go to Source
UN Climate Summit Ends With a Whimper

UN Climate Summit Ends With a Whimper

Science, Tech and Gadgets
UN Climate Summit Ends With a Whimper The longest global climate conference in its 25-year history came to an end Sunday after negotiations ran nearly two days over its initial deadline. Unfortunately, talks in Madrid went about as well as they do every year at the United Nation’s (UN) historically ineffective summit: There was a lot of finger-pointing,…Read more... Go to Source
Kathleen Kennedy Says Future Star Wars Films Will Move Away From Trilogies

Kathleen Kennedy Says Future Star Wars Films Will Move Away From Trilogies

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Kathleen Kennedy Says Future Star Wars Films Will Move Away From Trilogies Okay, The Rise of Skywalker is almost out. But: what’s next? That’s the big question looming over the Star Wars franchise as it reaches forward into uncharted territory, unmoored from stories about Anakin Skywalker and his big multi-generational fuck up. It’s also the subject Kathleen Kennedy, president of Lucasfilm,…Read more... Go to Source
Here’s Why The Porsche Taycan Turbo’s EPA Range Is So Bad

Here’s Why The Porsche Taycan Turbo’s EPA Range Is So Bad

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Here's Why The Porsche Taycan Turbo's EPA Range Is So Bad This week, we learned the EPA rated the new 2020 Porsche Taycan Turbo’s range at just 201 miles on a charge. That’s worse than almost every other electric car on sale today, and far worse than the 300 miles Porsche teased a couple of years ago, so what made the EPA figure so low?Read more... Go to Source
Feds Break Up Illegal Streaming Network That Dwarfs Netflix and Hulu Libraries

Feds Break Up Illegal Streaming Network That Dwarfs Netflix and Hulu Libraries

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Feds Break Up Illegal Streaming Network That Dwarfs Netflix and Hulu Libraries Two of the minds behind the nation’s largest pirate streaming services, iStreamItAll and Jetflicks, have pleaded guilty to criminal copyright infringement charges, federal officials said Friday. Now we all can rest easier knowing there are a few less bad actors getting one over on multi-billion-dollar giants like…Read more... Go to Source
UN Climate Summit Continues Spinning Its Wheels Into the Weekend, and Protestors Aren’t Having It

UN Climate Summit Continues Spinning Its Wheels Into the Weekend, and Protestors Aren’t Having It

Science, Tech and Gadgets
UN Climate Summit Continues Spinning Its Wheels Into the Weekend, and Protestors Aren't Having It The UN’s climate summit in Madrid—dubbed COP25 in UN jargon—continued into the weekend as countries remained deadlocked on divisive environmental issues, chief of which is how to handle a part of the Paris Agreement known as Article 6 that’s focused on carbon markets. After overrunning its initial deadline Friday, the…Read more... Go to Source
Even J.J. Abrams Can’t Get Disney to Release ‘Unspecial’ Versions of the Star Wars Movies

Even J.J. Abrams Can’t Get Disney to Release ‘Unspecial’ Versions of the Star Wars Movies

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Even J.J. Abrams Can't Get Disney to Release 'Unspecial' Versions of the Star Wars Movies The white whale of any Star Wars fan—besides my dream Ahsoka Tano video game—is an unmodified release of the original Star Wars trilogy. Forget the special editions, forget the even-specialier editions. Many of us, from film buffs to preservationists to shameless, Prequel-hating nerds, want to see the films as they…Read more... Go to Source
Google Reveals Its Top Searches of the Year And, Yes, It’s Mostly Memes

Google Reveals Its Top Searches of the Year And, Yes, It’s Mostly Memes

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Google Reveals Its Top Searches of the Year And, Yes, It's Mostly Memes The Game of Thrones Starbucks cup debacle. Watching Notre Dame go up in flames. The moment the world fell in love with Baby Yoda. Going through Google’s top searches of the year feels like flipping through a scrapbook of the internet’s collective obsessions. Released this week, the company’s annual “Year in Search”…Read more... Go to Source
HBO Max Is Moving Forward With Another Try at Adapting Snow Crash

HBO Max Is Moving Forward With Another Try at Adapting Snow Crash

Science, Tech and Gadgets
HBO Max Is Moving Forward With Another Try at Adapting Snow Crash If you ask any random fan off the street how to get into cyberpunk or science fiction influenced by cyberpunk, there’s a solid chance they’re going to tell you to read Snow Crash. Neal Stephenson’s 1992 classic is a massively influential cyber dystopian work that prefigured a lot of what modern cyberpunk pastiche…Read more... Go to Source
The Creators Behind HBO’s Watchmen Are Being Very Cagey About a Second Season

The Creators Behind HBO’s Watchmen Are Being Very Cagey About a Second Season

Science, Tech and Gadgets
The Creators Behind HBO's Watchmen Are Being Very Cagey About a Second Season When HBO’s ersatz Watchmen sequel was announced, it was framed, very clearly, as a miniseries. One season, in and out, one and done. But when asked the question now, the various answers given by the cast and crew of the show are... a bit different. Read more... Go to Source
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