What Goes Up, Must Come Down: Here’s How We Crash Spacecraft Safely
Returning a spacecraft back to Earth can be a dire situation. How do we make sure they won’t smash into cities?
The Threat to Space Travel That No One's Talking About - https://youtu.be/Wd95PxiHBpw
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China’s 9½-ton Space Lab Will Soon Crash To Earth. No One Knows Where It Will Hit
“China's first space laboratory, Tiangong-1, which translates to “Heavenly Palace,” launched on Sept. 30, 2011, serving as a prototype for the permanent space station China aims to eventually build. But six years after it first went into orbit, the 9½-ton laboratory is expected to meet a fiery and uncontrolled end, hurtling to Earth and crashing somewhere — anywhere — on the planet.”
This Is Where The Internationa...