Friday, March 14

Top 10 Creepy Tourist Attractions

Top 10 Creepy Tourist Attractions

Top 10 Creepiest Tourist Attractions! Usually, when you go on a vacation it’s because you have someplace special in mind picked out that you want to visit – a relaxing paradise or an exciting amusement park. Then there are those times where you want to take that thrill to the next level – someplace that sends chills down your spine. From the Lizzie Bordon house to the hill of crosses, here are the top ten creepiest tourist attractions.

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10. The Sea of Trees
9. Island of The Dolls
8. Sedlec Ossuary (Church of Bones)
7. Lizzie Borden House
6. Salem
5. Amityville Horror House
4. The Catacombs, Paris
3. The Hill of Crosses, Lithuania
2. The Stanley Hotel
1. Winchester Mystery House

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