Friday, March 14


HUGE African rock python rescued in South African grassland

HUGE African rock python rescued in South African grassland

Viral "Got a call for a huge python in water canal the 1st time the python got swept away by the canal flowing a few hours later received another call the python now dubbed Ava got out and was hiding in some grass i went to rescue her from sure death if villagers got hold of her.." This footage is being managed exclusively by Newsflare. To license this video email or call: +44 (0) 203 937 6280 Subscribe to NewsflareBreaking: Connect with NewsflareBreaking Online: ▶Facebook ▶Twitter ▶Google+ Register now to upload your videos and be notified of paid video assignments near you. → Visit to find out...
Bike Trail Saboteur Caught On Camera! | Caught In The Act

Bike Trail Saboteur Caught On Camera! | Caught In The Act

Viral Story - I was going out for my daily ride when I realised the trail which is now called "WHERE'S MY SHOVEL" hadn't been wrecked yet. It was getting wrecked everyday so when I rode up and realised it hadn't, I knew I was bound to catch the people responsible........ This footage is being managed exclusively by Newsflare. To license this video email or call: +44 (0) 203 937 6280 Subscribe to NewsflareBreaking: Connect with NewsflareBreaking Online: ▶Facebook ▶Twitter ▶Google+ Register now to upload your videos and be notified of paid video assignments near you. → Visit to find out more.
The Best Adoption Surprise Compilation 2020 | Try Not To Cry

The Best Adoption Surprise Compilation 2020 | Try Not To Cry

Viral This footage is being managed exclusively by Newsflare. To license this video email or call: +44 (0) 203 937 6280 Subscribe to NewsflareBreaking: Connect with NewsflareBreaking Online: ▶Facebook ▶Twitter ▶Google+ Register now to upload your videos and be notified of paid video assignments near you. → Visit to find out more.
Special Education Teaching in Lockdown | In Perspective

Special Education Teaching in Lockdown | In Perspective

Viral Molly is a special education teacher- but how has her job changed during the pandemic? This is Happening is a look inside the events and experiences that shape our world, as told by you. To be a part of our story, submit your videos at and subscribe to our channel for the latest in what's happening. Connect with TiH: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: TIKTOK: To license any of the videos shown on This is Happening, visit Jukin Media at
Special Education Teaching in Lockdown | In Perspective

Special Education Teaching in Lockdown | In Perspective

Viral Molly is a special education teacher- but how has her job changed during the pandemic? This is Happening is a look inside the events and experiences that shape our world, as told by you. To be a part of our story, submit your videos at and subscribe to our channel for the latest in what's happening. Connect with TiH: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: TIKTOK: To license any of the videos shown on This is Happening, visit Jukin Media at
Monkey risks life to rescue her baby stranded on power lines

Monkey risks life to rescue her baby stranded on power lines

Viral This is the dramatic moment a monkey in India risked her life to rescue her baby which was balancing precariously on powerlines. Footage shows the female monkey watching anxiously from the roof of a building in a village in Rajasthan as her baby struggles to maintain its balance on the powerline. Other members of the troop come to watch the perilous situation of the young simian but none plucks up the courage to attempt a rescue. Eventually, mum leaps onto the powerlines but struggles to keep her own balance and is forced to jump back to the building leaving her offspring on the wires. But she's not done yet. She tries again and this time keeps her footing on the cables, scoops up her baby in her arms and leaps back to the safety of the roof. The footage w...
Amazing Dolphin Moments Caught on Camera!

Amazing Dolphin Moments Caught on Camera!

Viral Aren't dolphins just the best?! This footage is being managed exclusively by Newsflare. To license this video email or call: +44 (0) 203 937 6280 Subscribe to NewsflareBreaking: Connect with NewsflareBreaking Online: ▶Facebook ▶Twitter ▶Google+ Register now to upload your videos and be notified of paid video assignments near you. → Visit to find out more.
Docking a HUGE 700ft Tall Borr Drill in Kent UK

Docking a HUGE 700ft Tall Borr Drill in Kent UK

Viral The huge jackup drilling rig Prospector 1 was towed into the Port of Sheerness in Kent, southeast England from the North Sea on Saturday (May 16). The drilling rig will be out of action for around six months. It will be joined by another rig, Prospector 5, in August. Prospector 1 is part of the Borr Drilling fleet and was built in 2013 at a cost of around $200 million. Its height is almost 775ft. The Energy Voice website reported that the company is temporarily laying up the two rigs, because it has “not been successful in securing future work” for them. This footage is being managed exclusively by Newsflare. To license this video email or call: +44 (0) 203 937 6280 Subscribe to NewsflareBreaking: Conne...
Woman Performs Exercise Routine While Queuing At The Supermarket

Woman Performs Exercise Routine While Queuing At The Supermarket

Viral A woman at a shopping centre in west London was spotted working out while queuing to get in. Video filmed by London resident Kuba Lipski shows the woman wearing sporty attire and queuing while maintaining social distancing at Westway Greenford Shopping Centre. The woman then gets down and performs a push-up. She then gets up and does some light stretching before doing a couple more push-ups. She finishes off her fitness routine by doing some more leg stretches. This footage is being managed exclusively by Newsflare. To license this video email or call: +44 (0) 203 937 6280 Subscribe to NewsflareBreaking: Connect with NewsflareBreaking Online: ▶Facebook ▶Twitter https://twitt...
Best of the Week: May – Week 3

Best of the Week: May – Week 3

Viral Super fly basket ball players, no literally they're flying. This is Happening is a look inside the events and experiences that shape our world, as told by you. To be a part of our story, submit your videos at and subscribe to our channel for the latest in what's happening. Connect with TiH: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: TIKTOK: To license any of the videos shown on This is Happening, visit Jukin Media at
The Best Viral Videos Of The Month – May 2020 (Part 1)

The Best Viral Videos Of The Month – May 2020 (Part 1)

Viral We have put together the best viral videos of May 2020 from the newsflare archive! Enjoy. This footage is being managed exclusively by Newsflare. To license this video email or call: +44 (0) 203 937 6280 Subscribe to NewsflareBreaking: Connect with NewsflareBreaking Online: ▶Facebook ▶Twitter ▶Google+ Register now to upload your videos and be notified of paid video assignments near you. → Visit to find out more.
Top 14 Thoughts We’ve All Had In Quarantine

Top 14 Thoughts We’ve All Had In Quarantine

Viral What quarantine crazy did you get up to today? This is Happening is a look inside the events and experiences that shape our world, as told by you. To be a part of our story, submit your videos at and subscribe to our channel for the latest in what's happening. Connect with TiH: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: TIKTOK: To license any of the videos shown on This is Happening, visit Jukin Media at
Adorable baby humpback whale shows off with spectacular breaches | Whale Encounters

Adorable baby humpback whale shows off with spectacular breaches | Whale Encounters

Viral First Clip: The awe-inspiring moment is seen off the coast off Newport Beach, California when a baby humpback whale that breaches off the coast multiple times in this incredible clip from April 26. Second Clip: An incredible close encounter of a playful baby humpback whale shocked diver, Audrey, in Neiafu, Tonga, on September 28. The baby humpback whale swam around Audrey for almost 10 minutes. "The vocal male calf was coming closer and closer, and I had to quickly back away so the whale’s tail didn’t accidentally whip me," Audrey said. "It was a close and thrilling encounter!" Third Clip: This is the breathtaking moment a humpback whale calf interacts with its mum while gracing the surface of the water in Tonga. The clip filmed in August shows the moment ...
Elementary school teacher has created a “free hugs booth” | Teacher In Lockdown

Elementary school teacher has created a “free hugs booth” | Teacher In Lockdown

Viral An elementary school teacher has created a "free hugs booth" on her front door so she can safely embrace her students again during the pandemic. Teacher Kelsey Pavelka, with the help of her wife, Shelby, fashioned a plastic see-through cover complete with sleeves to make the no-contact hugging possible between her and her students. The Indiana same-sex couple used a vinyl shower curtain, rain ponchos, shoe covers, and jumbo-sized ziplock bags. A 'quarantine hugs' signboard on how to use the booth properly, with emphasis to disinfecting, was placed on its left side so the students will know what to do. The modified plastic cover was placed into their front door so passing students can stop by and have a small chat with her their teacher, while embracing for e...
Toddler hilariously fails at resisting a plate of chocolate | Dad Parenting Moments

Toddler hilariously fails at resisting a plate of chocolate | Dad Parenting Moments

Viral A family from Liverpool, UK attempted to test their three-year-old son with the temptation challenge to not eat some chocolate. The clip, filmed on May 12, shows George being told not to eat the chocolate placed in front of him while his dad goes out of the room. But the temptation was too much, George starts picking off small chunks of the chocolate before eating a whole bit. "Erm, it wasn't me!" George can be heard giggling when questioned by his dad. This footage is being managed exclusively by Newsflare. To license this video email or call: +44 (0) 203 937 6280 Subscribe to NewsflareBreaking: Connect with NewsflareBreaking Online: ▶Facebook ▶Twitter https://twitte...
Portraits of a Pandemic | In Perspective

Portraits of a Pandemic | In Perspective

Viral Autumn has been capturing what COVID19 looks like through her photography series, Portraits of a Pandemic. This is Happening is a look inside the events and experiences that shape our world, as told by you. To be a part of our story, submit your videos at and subscribe to our channel for the latest in what's happening. Connect with TiH: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: TIKTOK: To license any of the videos shown on This is Happening, visit Jukin Media at
The Worst Drivers Caught On Dash Cam | Terrible Drivers

The Worst Drivers Caught On Dash Cam | Terrible Drivers

Viral Driving on the roads can sometimes be relaxing but you have to have your wits about you as you'll run into drivers like these! We have put together a compilation of shocking driving moments caught on dash wonder people road rage! This footage is being managed exclusively by Newsflare. To license this video email or call: +44 (0) 203 937 6280 Subscribe to NewsflareBreaking: Connect with NewsflareBreaking Online: ▶Facebook ▶Twitter ▶Google+ Register now to upload your videos and be notified of paid video assignments near you. → Visit to find out more.
3D Printed Marble Machine That Works Autonomously

3D Printed Marble Machine That Works Autonomously

Viral A US man created this 3D-printed marble run that works autonomously after following some tips he found online. Footage shows an intricate course, designed by Netherlands toy shop Out Of Marbles, that gives marbles multiple different routes depending on the order in which they return to a central distribution hub. The filmer said: "[It's a] great project for quarantine!" This footage is being managed exclusively by Newsflare. To license this video email or call: +44 (0) 203 937 6280 Subscribe to NewsflareBreaking: Connect with NewsflareBreaking Online: ▶Facebook ▶Twitter ▶Google+ Register now to upload your...
Police threatens to give motorcyclist a ticket for honking

Police threatens to give motorcyclist a ticket for honking

Viral Dramatic footage from the Newsflare archive of a motorcyclist engaging in a fiery road rage exchange with a police officer. The video, captured in Denver in June 2016, shows the argument between the two at an intersection. The incident begins when the filmer - wearing a helmet cam - honks his horn at the motorist ahead of him, and complains that the driver is on his phone. An officer then gets out of the vehicle and confronts the filmer about engaging in "road rage", also claiming that he was "acting like a hot dog" by driving recklessly. The two then continue the argument for more than five minutes, with the officer repeatedly threatening to give the man a ticket. Writing online after the incident, the filmer said: "I love the police. I respect what they ...
Best of the Week: May – Week 2

Best of the Week: May – Week 2

Viral What was your favorite? This is Happening is a look inside the events and experiences that shape our world, as told by you. To be a part of our story, submit your videos at and subscribe to our channel for the latest in what's happening. Connect with TiH: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: TIKTOK: To license any of the videos shown on This is Happening, visit Jukin Media at
Hilarious squirrel is caught spinning frenzy from a bird feeder.

Hilarious squirrel is caught spinning frenzy from a bird feeder.

Viral "My 5-year old son was watching TV and noticed a squirrel on one of our squirrel-proof bird feeders (Droll Yankee Flipper) and called my wife over. When my wife came to the window and began videoing with her cell phone. The squirrel was latched on and spinning while still trying to reach for birdseed. After recording close to 2-minutes she called me to the scene. Worried the squirrel would go forever, she had me go and shake it free but, when I approached the feeder, the squirrel fell off and staggered to the closest tree." This footage is being managed exclusively by Newsflare. To license this video email or call: +44 (0) 203 937 6280 Subscribe to NewsflareBreaking: Connect with NewsflareBreaking Online: ...
20 types of people in quarantine ?

20 types of people in quarantine ?

Viral Choose your player! This is Happening is a look inside the events and experiences that shape our world, as told by you. To be a part of our story, submit your videos at and subscribe to our channel for the latest in what's happening. Connect with TiH: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: TIKTOK: To license any of the videos shown on This is Happening, visit Jukin Media at
Family create supermarket at home for 87-year-old grandmother with dementia.

Family create supermarket at home for 87-year-old grandmother with dementia.

Viral A family living in New South Wales have made a supermarket in their home for their 87-year-old grandmother during the country's COVID-19 lockdown. As Hendrika van Genderen has Alzheimer's and vascular dementia, her son's family thought of a way to bring her weekly routine to her. Jason van Genderen explains why his family thought of this idea for his mum: "One of the big things she hangs her week on is her weekly shopping trip. So we can't take her to the shops anymore but what he thought we'd do is open up a supermarket at home." This footage was filmed on April 10. This footage is being managed exclusively by Newsflare. To license this video email or call: +44 (0) 203 937 6280 Subscribe to NewsflareBreaking:
21 Hilarious Moments Caught On Security Cameras

21 Hilarious Moments Caught On Security Cameras

Viral With the footage being filmed 24/7 from doorbell cameras to personal CCTV systems, it's only a matter of time till these devices pick up some funny footage. We have put together a compilation of 21 hilarious CCTV footage moments caught on tape from the Newsflare archive. This footage is being managed exclusively by Newsflare. To license this video email or call: +44 (0) 203 937 6280 Subscribe to NewsflareBreaking: Connect with NewsflareBreaking Online: ▶Facebook ▶Twitter ▶Google+ Register now to upload your videos and be notified of paid video assignments near you. → Visit to find out more...
Remote worker mum fights laughter as kids clown around behind her. | Funny Lockdown Moments

Remote worker mum fights laughter as kids clown around behind her. | Funny Lockdown Moments

Viral A French woman teaching law remotely had her work cut out recently when her grown-up kids put on some hilarious performances behind her back. Siblings Elodie, Marie and Guillaume from central France decided to troll their mother as she was teaching online and try to make her laugh by clowning around in the window directly behind her. First, Marie dressed up as a giant rabbit and Elodie as a hunter and the two chased each other around the garden. Next, Guillaume and Marie dressed up as skiers in full winter gear and mimed sliding past the window. Their long-suffering mother does her best to ignore her amusing children but at various points has to apologise to her online students for the disruption as she breaks into laughter. The clip was filmed on April 16...
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