Tuesday, March 11

WATCH This Man’s High-Flying Kite Stunt | New York Post

A man was lifted several floors high into the air while flying a giant kite in northern China.

The video was filmed in the city of Tangshan in Hebei Province on March 26.

According to the filmer named Tao, the man who was flying in the sky was his friend. Tao said: “He didn’t make a mistake while flying the kite, he did it intentionally.”

Tao who owns a kite shop said his friend’s action was not that dangerous. “The kite string is made of professional Kevlar and we use safety harnesses when playing, so there won’t be any problems. Of course, only professionals dare to play like this,” Tao said.

According to reports, it is common for kite players to control their bodies and fly into the air with their kites. The kite string is usually tested professionally and is very strong, so it is unlikely to break even when gripped by a person.

#china #kite #stunt #caughtoncamera

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